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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I'm basing it mostly off Forbes. http://www.forbes.co...falo-bills-2/ There are other reports that seem to show years as much as 40.9 million and as low as 11 million. We'll never know for sure, but I'd say Forbes is the most accurate. Just to have it in perspective...Peyton Manning makes roughly 10 million less than the entire Bills organization and the Bills handed out almost 25 million in cash to Mario last year. I apologize for not providing the link previously.
  2. Funny, it's been an issue for most NFL owners. You may also want to see Snyder, Daniel. He financed almost all of the redskins and assumed debt. So now that you're offbase and wrong, has your opinion changed? The bills are reported to make roughly 30 million a year. As previously stated, this isn't exactly a large amount considering their lack of loan payments.
  3. Revis is widely accepted as the best defensive play in football. He's not making much money this year. The new team gets to negotiate his contract. I don't see any compelling reasons a team would decide to give up draft picks this year for Mario when they could have just signed him last year. He didn't have a bad year, but he didn't have a year that suddenly going to make teams give up picks to get a contract they were unwilling to give him last year.
  4. No, but a team or any business needing a solid and stable source of revenue is a fact.
  5. They would never give up that much for Williams. Mario is not being traded. If anyone wanted him that much, they would have signed him last season. Maybe try zombo.com instead to get through the day at work. I watch it several hours a day.
  6. Not really. I'm holding out hope the Bills stay in Buffalo. I think people miss that Ralph owns the Bills outright. The Bills are generally reported to make about 30 million a year. That sounds like a lot, but think about this... The Bills sell for 700 million (likely a low number). That would mean it would take 23.3 years to pay back that loan at 30 million a year (that is without interest). There's not many banks that are going to finance that with the team staying in Buffalo. There's far too much risk that the financials go south and loan payments can't be made.
  7. Did they sell enough merchandise to pay the 7 million to Vanek? You don't know anything about the Sabres financials.
  8. If he plays, I think he stays where he's at...don't see it working out with the Bills. Not every player who is a free agent, release, on the trade block needs to come to the Bills.
  9. Is there an actual source for this? This feels more like, "Man, I wish we had Freeman." then talking yourself into the idea that the Bucs would trade him.
  10. It's something I noted as the season began. Last season we heard about how much Fitz and Stevie worked during the offseason. We didn't hear about that this last offseason.
  11. I just want to take a moment and point out that 'Franchise' QB is getting thrown around a lot. One good year does not make a franchise QB.
  12. This thing that hasn't happened yet is because of this other thing! I WANT TO YELL! AHHHHH!
  13. In dream world, I'd prefer Nassib in the 2nd round over the 1st if that is who they go with, but I don't think that is realistic. Hopefully, Marrone and Pettine bring a culture change with them.
  14. The ole fan fallacy. They also only want the guys they hear about on ESPN. They seem to forget that an NFL organization is responsible for thousands of players and many you never hear about.
  15. I already posted it in this very thread.
  16. You're arguing for a reasoned response and analysis to people who just want to yell.
  17. Keep in mind, Aaron can control his weight now and become the hulk or the flash depending on team needs.
  18. 1. I don't think people in general beyond a few loose screws are saying it's a weak year. Most are referring to the QB situation. Seems like a strawman, but you did indeed, knock it down. 2. Also, not something I see people in general saying. I see a lot of people who do think that you can simply make a trade down whenever you want to do so and generally get the price you want. 3. Picks in the top ten generally have a lot of talent left and falls back on the previous argument. It adds the element of saying GMs believe it is a weak year which doesn't seem to be the case. A lot of this also comes from pre-rookie scale days where a team could end up giving a high pick a crazy amount of money and have him bust.
  19. Yep, and the TBD perception that "I want to trade down to this spot and get this in return for it" makes that deal possible still exists!
  20. That's not the point. I'm not sure how you got that. There's a perception that the Bills somehow spent vastly more under Nix than previous regimes. I'm saying there's a possibility that what exists in your head is different than reality.
  21. Ok, here's what the Bills should do and Buddy is a fool if he doesn't do it. They should trade down to the 1st pick in the draft. I get you're probably confused by that. See, they just tell KC that they are trading down because 1 is a lower number than 8. They won't know, they did worse than the Bills. So then you take that number 1 pick and trade for a time machine to last year and trade all your picks from last year for the 1st spot and all your picks from this year for the 2nd spot and draft Andrew Luck and RG3. Then you run the two QB system and Superbowl.
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