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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I'd be ultra pissed if I was the Ravens.
  2. This. It's not luck. He believes his receivers will beat the coverage and get the ball.
  3. That was an interesting call. Aggressive.
  4. They're definitely spreading it out and targeting whitner. I would not want to meet the Ravens in a dark alley. I hope the Bills get some of that edge.
  5. Ok, That last one was just embarrassing. I wonder what the 49ers will do if he keeps getting picked on.
  6. I can't blame Whitner. He shouldn't be in that position. He's terrible in coverage and the Ravens are spreading them out to get the mismatch. Wow, Whitner again..
  7. If you're gonna talk on the way back to the huddle, you should definitely hold onto the ball.
  8. That seemed like an unwise call there. Should have taken the short gain and tried for 3
  9. Tough play for sure, but I think they're going to target him in coverage. Boldin on Whitner is a mismatch.
  10. I guess you weren't here for the "Pay the Damn Man" with Fred Jackson then the subsequent "Cut Jackson" trends.
  11. This hasn't been covered with 34273249829891 other threads. Glad we can finally discuss it.
  12. It's money and it's a lot easier to have support if you sue a league like the NFL over high schools. If I was the NFL, I'd trott all the PED tests and say, 'Well, they knew those were bad, but kept doing it to make more money so why is this different?'
  13. If they cut everyone on the team, think of the savings! The Bills need to have a lot free unused money!
  14. You're trying to hogtie the Bills being bad to support your argument which is wrong. You have been given multiple references to you being wrong, but for some reason keep making different arguments and somehow pretending you were right. Donte got less money than the Bills initially offered him to stay. He was already wealthy from his rookie contract.
  15. Again, you're entirely off on your facts. http://www.torontosun.com/2013/01/28/exclusive-buffalo-bills-to-keep-playing-in-toronto-for-5-more-years The Bills are valued at 797 million actually so there is your 100 million in cash. Keep in mind, I also ignored interest.
  16. A new owner would have loan payments. You know that, but decided to purposely misunderstand for some reason.
  17. I presented you with actual facts. I assume 'sense' in this case means 'agree with whatever I say'. I'm sorry, but there is little to back you up that there is some sort of secret pot of gold for the NFL in Buffalo. Here's information from the one team that reports publicly:
  18. Many NFL teams are sold with significant amount of loans. I'm not sure what you think happens. Do you think most teams are bought outright with cash in the NFL? That's crazy. Hell, Jerry Jones financed a good chunk of his new stadium.
  19. He got more money? As I understood it, the Bills had offered him a contract, he tested the market got no interest then came back to the Bills and ended up looking at deal for less money with Cleveland and then got slightly more than that with the 49ers. He is getting a 3 year 11.75 million deal right now. Wasn't the initial Bills offer for about 12 million?
  20. I would look for a 2013 first round swap and a 2nd rounder this year or a 2nd and fourth or better next year. If that is not available then I'd take the best player available. I'm very much against drafting solely on 'need'. I think upgrading from sh*t to merely bad doesn't win you game while upgrading from good to great is a better choice.
  21. I wasn't glad to see him go, but his production did not merit his presence. Let's not forget the market wasn't hot for him and he lucked into San Fran picking him up last moment. He has a big mouth and doesn't back it up on the field. He's a pigeoned holed player. If you ask him to do things that are within his range, he'll be very good. The Bills defense did not and does not currently have the talent level for that. Hopefully, they get there that they can support players like this as it makes you a better overall team when you can have roleplayers on the field more often.
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