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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I'm seeing rumors from Peter King and the like that Baltimore may not give him 20 mill/yr. He'll make bank if he hits the free market.
  2. He wont' backup Foles, but he'll be injured regardless of how much armor they put on him.
  3. While not a certainty, it does stretch the imagination that two top 10 players would be on one of the worst defenses.
  4. People will talk about Dareus, but the "I hate this player like he banged my mom and made me watch" type of hate, I have to go with Aaron Williams.
  5. Kelsay has done many things personally to people on this board. Just because he hasn't crashed into your house, drunk, pissed on your cat and shouted out YOLO, doesn't mean it hasn't happened to most people on this board.
  6. The defense sucked because of fitz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Are we seriously not going to look at the threads on the front page for this very topic?
  8. Do we really need a new version of this thread every day?
  9. You believe that the game has no impact on the increased sales in Canada and specifically the Toronto area?
  10. Oh lord, the rumor about copyright infringement funding terrorism has hit TBD. Dodd must be doing something.
  11. Let's make a bet that you didn't search the forum for this topic before posting this thread..
  12. What's he like off the ball? Does he block well? Is he prone to taking plays off if he's not getting the ball?
  13. Upset may be a strong word, but whatever his issues with the decision and the people who made it...he has been a teammate of those guys for awhile. He was part of the team. There is no benefit to them losing the Super Bowl where after a shaky start, what most people talking about is how his replacement bounced back and how strong his arm is..
  14. It's a stupid comment, but the guy just lost the Super Bowl. It's understandable.
  15. I've gotta say Linebacker. The QB position has to be upgraded, but I think you can survive with Fitzpatrick. The defense allowing the other team's offense to operate like it was a track meet is a big problem.
  16. The injury reports are a joke. The Bills got dinged for it. It's safer to overcompensate.
  17. I'm looking forward to seeing it. It does seem like a logistical nightmare though.
  18. Here is a minute worth of time. Don't spend it all in one thread.
  19. Even before his post-season run, he was a 20 million dollar QB. Some folks were just late to the party.
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