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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. It was traded to Dallas. The 2nd Pick was Roscoe Parrish.
  2. They can be signed at any time. Both players have expressed an interest in testing Free Agency though.
  3. because he doesn't live or work in New York? Some games it definitely seemed like it! Ayuk, yuk!
  4. I keep the same position I have in the other 67329828432382923822387873472364264324632742743298409589238747492874093284023840375837479687909817y982786723196738294386458467645788937479873538467329828432382923822387873472364264324632742743298409589238747492874093284023840375837479687909817y982786723196738294386458467645788937479873538467329828432382923822387873472364264324632742743298409589238747492874093284023840375837479687909817y982786723196738294386458467645788937479873538467329828432382923822387873472364264324632742743298409589238747492874093284023840375837479687909817y9827867231967382943864584676457889374798735384977384793743843wow,thisthreadagain67329828432382923822387873472364264324632742743298409589238747492874093284023840375837479687909817y982786723196738294386458467645788937479873538467329828432382923822387873472364264324632742743298409589238747492874093284023840375837479687909817y982786723196738294386458467645788937479873538467329828432382923822387873472364264324632742743298409589238747492874093284023840375837479687909817y9827867231967382943864584676457889374798735384 threads on this topic. Keep Byrd. Levitre is a bonus.
  5. They traded Bledsoe, why wouldn't they trade him if they can find a sucker?
  6. If he is there at eight then I think you take him and then take Nassib in round 2
  7. I imagine they have let their displeasure be known. Flacco must be thrilled!
  8. Oh, hey, looks you missed the 12 page thread on this very same depth player.
  9. If he had a real Qb throwing to him, he would be an all star!
  10. There needs to be a single thread for everyone to post who they would take.
  11. It's tough to tell about Brady. He has never been outside of the system. Manning *is* the system.
  12. Except there is no indication that he was involved in anyway in making decisions that affect the on field product until the past few years. Is your contention that him just being in the organization at all started the downhill slide? I get it. Everybody is upset at the lack of success, but flailing around wildly crying about anything and everything is just silly.
  13. oh, boy, it's that time of year when people get overly attached to college players and start fighting with each other.
  14. http://espn.go.com/b...wont-cut-austin Jerry says they won't cut him
  15. What do you want them to do? Start the season early?
  16. I thought we didn't like Whaley anymore. That he was part of the problem. Sorry, I lose track who we hate on here. There needs to be a chart.
  17. They want more than a 3rd and he's a risk ala Rob Johnson/Kolb. You have to be careful with backups like this as defense didn't really have a lot of film on them to gameplan. Same way some rookies look good their rookie years then become pedestrian when they defenses start looking to neutralize them.
  18. I'm not really interested in any one particular player. I'm interested in how it affects draft position of players to get a better picture of who will be available at 8.
  19. but would you think he's a worse prospect if he went to another school?
  20. I saw a Bills security guy playing two hand touch with his son. Obvious bias and they are going to draft that kid when he is eligible. No wonder things never get better.
  21. So I guess if nobody said anything about the hire you'd be ranting about how no one is saying anything about the new coach? It takes a large leap that guys praising a guy is a huge conspiracy orchestrated by Brandon to get guys whom he has no apparent ties or connection with to say good things about his coaching hire.
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