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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I think the Bills draft Eddie Lacy so we see a lot of people jumping off bridges so they can rebuild the fanbase along with the team.
  2. I'm glad for him that he found work and Jesus.
  3. of all the things Chan did, this one is unforgivable.
  4. upgrading from sh*t to possibly slightly less sh*t doesn't get you anywhere. I know some of you are in love with "anyone not on the Bills is an upgrade" idea, but it's not always true.
  5. It never ceases to amaze me that people want to get rid of a player for no discernible benefit beyond it would make them feel better. There's pills that would do a much better job of that then cutting a player will...
  6. It's amazing how a guy gets rocketed in our minds beyond his abilities into godhood.
  7. Let me point you to http://www.extremeskins.com They are looking for great football minds there.
  8. Also, can someone be sure to tell the 49ers about the draft value chart! If they see it on the chart, it is a done deal.
  9. Hey, Don't get in the way of a good ole pitchforking! Without Kelsay, McKelvin is a prime target for unreasonable hate!
  10. No, but I'm all for a good ole pointless panicin'
  11. I don't think Geno or Barkley will be there at 8
  12. New York is ahead of the game on this one then. Most of the cities that have done studies on whether offering up incentives for movies to film there don't end up creating the jobs or revenue to make it profitable (and it's not close. You end up paying for having the honor of them making money off a movie they shoot. http://www.techdirt....taxpayers.shtml State Net Revenue Foregone per Net Job Created by Film Tax Credit Revenue Gained from Feedback Effects per Dollar of Film Subsidy Claimed($) Massachusetts $88,000 $0.16 Connecticut $33,400 $0.07 Louisiana $16,100 $0.13 Louisiana $14,100 $0.18 Michigan $44,561 $0.11 New Mexico $13,400 $0.14 New Mexico ($400) $1.50 Pennsylvania $13,000 $0.24 New York ($2,000) $1.90 Arizona $23,676 $0.28 http://www.nytimes.c....anted=all&_r=1 " And when temporary construction workers were excluded from the tally, Pontiac’s records show, the studio reported only two employees in 2010 and 12 the next year. "
  13. Your complaints ring hollow because you seem incapable of recognizing that trivial things that do not matter, do not matter. You just want to be angry and upset. You're welcome to it, but the rest of us will continue to see you a blubbering four year old in walmart.
  14. I can't believe he didn't try to make a backdoor offer to Flacco. 25 Million a year would have been worth it.
  15. You're off base on the issue. It's not over being happy/unhappy with the performance. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who is happy with the last 13 years. The issue is there are some people who be upset no matter what the Bills do. They are going to complain about every action they take. No one is happy, but if you say that every decision the Bills make is terrible and the worst then there's little credibility. Look at some of the threads on here. People have been bashing the Bills defensive cuts on here ad nausem. The Bills cut them and people cry that they are creating more holes! They franchise tag Byrd and people yell 'why didn't they tag Levitre?!!'. Ralph Wilson hands over control and people B word it's more of the same (and still can't answer *who* should choose the 'football czar' for the Bills if not Russ, Littman would be the next ranking member or Buddy himself). In short, there's a lot of us tired of the same people just bitching on every single decision the Bills make. That doesn't make us kool-aid drinkers. That doesn't mean we think they're going in the right direction. It doesn't mean we think they're winning the superbowl. We just want nuance to the conversation than "THE BILLS HAVE SUCKED FOR 13 YEARS SO EVERYTHING I SAY IS JUSTIFIED!" on this board.
  16. Gotta love TBD. Had they placed the tag on levitre, the same knuckleheads would be kvetching they did the wrong thing and we were going to lose Byrd. Few Players will pick a contender over the team offering more money.
  17. I'm curious, what will you complain about if Buddy is not GM after the draft?
  18. If he said they were aiming for Superbowls the same dimwits would be in this thread ranting about how you have to make the playoffs first.
  19. I love TBD. One week, these guys are bums and shouldn't be on an NFL team. Next week, they are no longer on an NFL team. OMG THE HOLES! WHAT WILL WE DO WITHOUT THOSE GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Aaron Williams is the leading candidate. If McKelvin ends up a starter, it will be him.
  21. In no way would this mean they are *not* drafting a QB.
  22. I think the misconception comes from the amount of information out there about top prospects. People can go back down memory lane and use the ole, "I totally said they should have drafted that guy!" without having to face the music on all the other guys they would have picked and all the guys they didn't pick. It seems to lead to the idea that all the picks are sure things and missing means that the scouts/GM/etc are bad at their jobs.
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