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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. If you have a strategy to use the search function, it is completely flawed...
  2. There is a plan in place. They are waiting for all the reactionary dims to panic and jump off a bridge. Then when they're gone and the rest of us can have actual conversations that don't revolve around ranting because someone had a bad day and the Bills are an easy target to vent their frustration, they will make some moves. So, the quicker you jump, the quicker the Bills sign free agents. Do your part to help the Bills get back to the playoffs. Ask not what the Bills can do for you, ask what you can do for the Bills (which is jumping off a bridge in case you missed it).
  3. After all the idiots finish panicing and jump off a bridge so we don't have to deal with these inane posts anymore.
  4. I'd like to see the NFL get a system similar to the NHL. I don't see it ever happening though. College is the farm system for the NFL.
  5. I'm sorry you misunderstood "throughout the years". Maybin? McKelvin? Whitner? McCargo? I know a few English majors who offer some on the side tutoring.
  6. I don't know. How is this guy supposed to replace Levitre? Brown has not been to the pro-bowl.
  7. I wonder if this thread will get more pages than the Mario Williams thread.
  8. That is a really fantastic article. I wish we'd see more threads like this.
  9. Levitre? WHO THE HECK CARES. What about Reinhart?!!!
  10. The Bills have not followed a BPA philosophy throughout the years. On the contrary, it's part of what has made them ineffective by reaching for players.
  11. Yep, Chad Reinhart is the agent of change. There is no longer any hope for this team without Reinhart.
  12. Without Reinhart, there are no leaders.
  13. There was hope until there was no Reinhart. All Dreams are dashed.
  14. So you quoted an article that said Tackles are more important...but guards have gained in importance...now on to that point about guards being more valuable than tackles. Do you have anything that doesn't literally say the opposite of what you're saying?
  15. The coaches were idiots, but they also knew what they were doing when it fits my viewpoint!!!
  16. You're taking 'fill a roster spot' as something derogatory to his abilities. He is not there replace Welker's production. He's there to be a receiver in a role they have planned for him. It may be similar to the role Welker played, but I have a hard time swallowing that they expect him to come in and be a copy of Welker.
  17. Amendola isn't there to replace Welker. He is there to fill a roster spot. As mentioned, they will shift the focus of their offense.
  18. I never made any statements to that effect. I understand how they would be helpful to your narrative, but they did not occur. Which players that were signed at their respective contracts would you have signed? If you're more interested in just being angry than looking at the options, I understand.
  19. based on the contracts and Bills cap space, what would have made you 'feel' good?
  20. We'll look back at losing Reinhart as the death knell of the franchise. Mark my words.
  21. I'm curious what leads you to believe that. Do you have any outside sources that concur?
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