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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Don't bring your reality in here. The only way TJ Graham would ever be an acceptable pick is if the Bills didn't pick him!
  2. There's a lot of things you can criticize Nix for, but the problem is a lot of it on this board reminds me of this:
  3. Chad Kelly...that is why I quoted "I dread when Kelly's jerk nephew is eligible for the league in a few years."
  4. Backups tend not to get drafted.
  5. pundits or this board? Oh, wait, it already started on this board.
  6. I haven't read this thread. Can anyone tell me if it has something new from the other 73287282828 threads on the topic?
  7. It's not pessimism that is annoying. I'm pessimistic about the changes. It's this group of people on here who just want to rant about every single aspect of the Bills organization. They then lock themselves into this cocoon that there is this large amount of people who just drink the kool-aid. It's the inability of this subset of posters that can't grasp that people want to discuss the Bills good and bad, but that their constant "OMG THIS IS TERRIBLE" with little to no analysis or ability to accept that they actually may be wrong that is annoying. You don't have to be optimistic to not constantly throw the equivalent of a 4 year old's temper tantrum in every single thread.
  8. Thanks for the post. It is very informative. This should be read by everyone on the board.
  9. This should be stickied at the top and made required reading before posting on Free Agents. Excellent Post.
  10. There's a difference. He wants the ball for his own benefit and success. He doesn't want the ball to put the team on his back and win games.
  11. They have cap room. If the concept of cap room is difficult to grasp, http://www.overthecap.com/teamcap.php?Team=Bills&Year=2013 will help As for understanding the search function...if you haven't figured it out by now. You never will.
  12. Your delusion strikes again. You're under this assumption that there is this large swath of people 'buying' it.
  13. I'd assume they just want assurance that is CJ decides to take a few games off again, they have someone to fill in.
  14. This isn't happening. This is something a small group of you have imagined in your head that you guys 'see the truth' and all these 'kool-aid drinkers' will believe anything. The prevailing, dominant opinion is a more rational thought that the Bills aren't good and won't be good. It is time for you all to get on board and face reality. You're not some seer. You're not seeing something that no one else is seeing. Let me re-iterate, you're delusional and keep pushing this agenda that there is this wave of Bills fans who see them going to the Super Bowl. It doesn't exist. The reaction you see to you folks is that we're tired on what amounts to a four year old throwing a tantrum in wal-mart.
  15. Pegula. In his one year of ownership has not improved the team. He should sell the team to someone who will get things done!
  16. Remember back when people were bitching up a storm about Buddy being too open? Guess that day is over and now we're bitching about the Bills not saying enough. There really need to be some sort of calender so I can keep up with what we're bitching about currently.
  17. It looks like you didn''t check your fact nor did you check the search function
  18. It wasn't lost. You didn't use the search function.
  19. I said highest paid. 'Best' is far too objective. Mario had a good season once he found his footing. However, I'm not sure it was a 9.8 Million dollar season. I'm also skeptical that this season will be a 12.4 million dollar the nest season. I'll guaranteee the season after that will not be worth 18 million. I don't think signing the 'celebrated' free agents for the top dollar deals is a good way to have success. I'd be interested if you have some examples of top paid free agents performing at the top of their position after being paid at the top.
  20. It's a damn shame that reporters forgot they are not supposed to be useless parrots and investigate things to see if they are actually true.
  21. Name the top free agents that have been worth the money in the past five years or so...I'm also how agreeing that Mario Williams, the top free agent, was not worth the money helps your point?
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