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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I'm so confused. This thread says to trade down, the other thread says to trade up. Why can't they just do both!!
  2. I don't know, can't we trade for Chaf Rinhartnesaser??
  3. What leads you to believe it is a weak draft? There's some position that are considered to have the best prospects at those positions in years.
  4. Does anyone have details on the other Kevin Kolb threads?
  5. This is a 'mock' draft. The Bills haven't actually selected anyone.
  6. There's in interesting question in there as new and better equipment was developed and players didn't like it. I wonder how that impacts things as well. It's unfortunate because there are a few guys who the NFL has done wrong morally if not legally, but there seems to be a lot of additional 'me too' going on now.
  7. Well, it's true. Collusion is a Smith Pipe dream to try to cover up for his mistakes.
  8. I'm surprised he didn't start before Free Agency even began. Must be nice to make an agreement then just be a sh*tbag and look to litigate every other day.
  9. Interesting Article at http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/04/03/two-concussion-plaintiffs-have-signed-since-suing/ Players who keep playing. Gotta imagine the other guys in the lawsuit appreciate their...conduct.
  10. I came to this thread because I thought it was about Chet Rinehat
  11. Buffalo Gang? Bills Family? Buffalo Cabal? Bill Mob?
  12. I don't know. Ask Smith. He's been filing and threatening a number of suits that seem to be things that should have covered in the CBA. The point being that teams may not be spending money due to the salary cap not increasing at the rate it has been and teams have cut more players (greater supply) and teams have less cap room (less demand) which means that teams are able to sign players to more team friendly contracts.
  13. The players made a mistake when they hired a snake oil salesman to represent them. I'm sure we'll be seeing smith start the rhetoric shortly and file a lawsuit.
  14. This is sarcasm...right? Please for the future of the human race, tell me this is sarcasm...
  15. He's routinely beat for no reason and takes plays off. If a guy decides which plays he plays, he's not the best.
  16. Peters isn't the best. He proved it by playing around on a scooter and leaving them with no options? His attitude that they couldn't win without him and couldn't be bothered to play if they didn't have a winning season is the best?
  17. So would you have preferred a bad signing at one of those positions? What other QBs out there, do you want them to sign? What leads you to believe they are not / have not looked at those positions?
  18. Wow. I guess it's nothing new, we all knew Peters thought he was the best lineman in the league.
  19. So they should just pretend they don't exist until they win? How ridiculous.
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