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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Why would they go running around signing free agents willy/nilly? Free Agents have shown time and time again, that the highest paid and not worth their contracts and rarely perform as expected. Marrone and Pettine just got here. They literally just met the players. Maybe before they commit large amounts of dollars to guys, they want to get a feel for what they have.
  2. If the Bucs are taking on that albatross of a contract for the Jets, I hope they exact more than just Revis if they give up their first.
  3. given all the hoopla over Byrd...you'd think this board thought differently
  4. Luck. He's the only one of them that is a phenom. The other two are great physical specimens and have a lot going for them, but they won't be in the same league as Luck. I don't think Carroll can win a Superbowl. They've put together a great team, but he strikes me as the type who will always get out-coached at some point in the playoffs. RGIII will win most likable in the emergency ward though.
  5. As was said in the previous topic on Takeo Spikes...No
  6. Don't call it a comeback, he been here for years.
  7. I find I am woefully inadequate of explaining a simple concept to you. Saying you understand something, doesn't mean you understand something. No, I didn't search the board. I've read enough of the posts on here to see the flip flopping and using that experience, I made an observation. Did you see the Fitz thread? I'm talking about the one where he signed in Tennessee and people flipped their gourd that we have 'NO QBS on the roster'? If you want search for specific posts, knock yourself out. As silly as it is to believe the front office is making all the right moves, it's just as silly to always pan their moves. If you don't believe that, we're not going to agree. You're not crazy for doubting, one is crazy if they will doubt whatever decision is made.
  8. You seem to have missed the point. My statement had nothing to do with the organizations decisions and whether it was good or bad. Players like Kyle have been much maligned by people on the this board. Then, when he signs with someone else, all of the sudden he's great depth and a pass rush dynamo who can play the run pretty well too!
  9. You have forgotten the sacred law. When a player that people wanted to be cut and couldn't understand why he was on the team is no longer on the team, he is immediately 10x better than he was when he was on the team.
  10. I'm still dismayed people don't know how to search this forum.
  11. Another Tebow thread...praise Jeebus! It was too long to go without Tebow! Also, ask the Jets about their being 'no negative' of having Tebow who has time and time again, clearly, stated he has NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER in playing as a halfback/gimmick player.
  12. You forgot the ticket taker at that one gate. Dude has been there forever. Also the guy that sells peanuts in the nosebleeds.
  13. It's a good thread tohave considering how many people are utterly baffled by kolb's contract.
  14. I didn't know he was the player coming out.
  15. I'm not sure how an actor from a soap opera is relevant here. I do agree with him though.
  16. Wow, almost 2 million more per year then Vasquez. I knew it was overpayment, but I didn't realize just how much until seeing the numbers put up against some other players.
  17. That appears to be poor choice of language on his part.
  18. Of course he has trade value because I want the Bills to trade him!! That makes it so.
  19. Perfect is the enemy of Good. Many of you want perfect conditions before the Bills can make the playoffs. Don't get me wrong, I think we're headed for a 4-12ish season, but the idea that the Bills will never make the playoffs without filling every whole including adding 2-3 depth lineman is as laughable as believing they will go to the Superbowl.
  20. It's a shame. All the talk of 'protecting' the players from the NFL and NFLPA should extend to their finances. You can't stop and idiot from being an idiot, but they can do a lot more than they are doing right now.
  21. I'm with you. If by some miracle he turned things around, there would be many people jumping off bridges.
  22. thinkin it's gonna be a grilled cheese day.
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