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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. except history says that Coaches who make it to a Superbowl, rarely do so with the team they go to after the team they made it with...
  2. You're STILL a game short. They play 16 games.
  3. This thread changed directions to 'WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH' pretty quick.
  4. Sounds like an interesting read. Nice to know the magazine still has some good content.
  5. A lot of TSW threads seem to be defacto therapy sessions for the disturbed.
  6. Commander Sheppard is the greatest hero of our time. Can't believe we traded him for this bum.
  7. So you're saying Belichick knew last year that Marrone would be the coach of the Bills this year? If he did, I don't think he needs any information from Schiano.
  8. Get his name right, Cheshire Rinediggler
  9. Why would he be kicking himself? And why this specific player? You make-a no sense
  10. Finally, someone makes a post about this. It's been ignored on this board!
  11. I have zero idea what leads you to believe Dansby is even being considered.
  12. just because they haven't built an 'analytics' department doesn't mean they aren't using 'analytics'.
  13. It's not a difficult concept. You can't give everyone reps and you can only evaluate so many players. Seriously..it takes like 2 seconds of thought to understand it. Why don't teams take QBs every year? duuuuuhhhh
  14. Remember when everybody was all "PAY FRED JACKSON!" and were throwing around numbers like 5-6 years at 25-30 million. Good Times.
  15. No one is commending him for it. Guess you're reading more into it then is there.
  16. They traded away one of the greatest Linebackers to ever wear the Bills uniform for a scrub? Way to go, Buddy.
  17. because people do it to him every year and he self-publishes the results?
  18. The only thing I know about the QBs is this...if EJ doesn't win the job and sits for a year, there will be monumental bitching. If he does win it, there will be monumental bitching.
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