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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Remember when everybody was gushing to throw money at Fred Jackson?
  2. The question isn't whether Byrd is elite. It's whether he is the 'best' int he league. He wants to paid like as the best. I'd be curious if teams that have consistent success often make players the highest paid at their position (outside of QB).
  3. I'm ok with Kolb. I think he starts the season and provides a nice buffer for EJ.
  4. I can't see the Jets sticking with Sanchez. It's a do or die season for Rex. Sanchez would need to outperform Smith and take the job. Sanchez has never been able to 'take' the job in his career and whenever faced with an actual potential challenge to his job, he has regressed. I see no value for the Jets in sticking with Sanchez.
  5. to be fair, the two of them look a lot alike. They could be brothers.
  6. They don't like that. You have to understand, only they can 'SEE' the truth. They are the heralds of truth! For some on this board, the Bills could win the superbowl this year and they will talk about them being lucky one year wonders because the 'they din't do anything the previous years'. They won't understand that a lot of us would like to have conversations on the Bills strengths and weaknesses, but they take such ridiculous positions that the conversation is destroyed because someone responds to them and it changes to having to counter their miserableness.
  7. Keep in mind, Clements is not the same player you remember playing in Buffalo.
  9. You convinced me to change my mind on whether we should keep this thread going.
  10. It has to stop or it will destroy everything that we hold dear!
  11. I'm glad we found something else ridiculous to panic over. I was afraid we would run out.
  12. Great read. I enjoy articles that break down a player and back it up.
  13. or...they are playing without pads which makes it tougher for offensive lineman to tie up defenders... Don't let that get in the way of a good panic though.
  14. That is quite the assumption. The BIlls are well aware of Byrd's position that sitting out is a huge blow. Just sitting out of football for a year would lower his salary whether it is with the Bills or not.
  15. Can you provide the history of Marrone's NFL tenure and the rookie QBs that have been on teams he was coaching and played with?
  16. It's really nice to see a player who was a posterboy for excess get things turned around. It should be done, but the NFLPA is made up of players and they don't want it which is why listening to them QQ about how their careers are short and how the NFL needs to do more for retired players rings hollow.
  17. There's a ton of things on the internet with a cost associated that do quite well. Because some people fail does not mean that nothing can succeed.
  18. You're under the assumption that the staff believes there are holes that can be filled with available veterans that would be worthwhile. It's not like they look at a guy and say, we'll take a shot. It's not a choice between rolling the dice and a sure thing. It's about rolling two dies and one them having more possibilities.
  19. I will never be able to get behind this pick because I live in constant fear that someone is going to make a parody of that song, "Let's have a Kiki" and every time he makes a play..someone will say, "Let's a have a Kiko!" All hope is lost.
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