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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. That hasn't stopped the NFLPA from throwing hissy fits and suing the NFL
  2. What a ridiculous notion. I know I don't want to leave it in the hands of a rent a cop whether I'm able to survive outside of the Stadium on my own. How absurd have we become that we're debating letting a security guard render judgment on whether we can take care of ourselves. If you're acting stupid then there is NO - ZERO - responbility on the security guards than to politely escort you to the door.
  3. I will take the bet the Bills win 3 or more.
  4. I think people read what they want to read. The article says there should be regulation on the schedule. That say a team should only play, say, a maximum of three teams coming off an extended time period off. The stuff about a conspiracy isn't in the article. Some of you people look for ways to take things personally or grind an axe. How ridiculous would it be to say that you go in and ask for Christmas week off and that because you asked for Christmas off, you should not be able to ask for any other holiday off. I also like the one guy who doesn't understand technology and is complaining about the related link which probably isn't even something the guy writing the article can change. LOL
  5. Except his official combine time was 4.28...sooo...yeah, Also, Bo...not Boe....not sure how someone can not know the name of one of the greatest backs to play the game.
  6. If a player in thrown in jail, do they count against the salary cap?
  7. This is the type of mental mediocrity that is so very annoying. Sure, it's much easier to just go "BILLS SUCK" and whine like a 2 year old in Wal-mart who can't get a 3 lb chocolate bar and that's fine for a message board, but someone who's job is provide analysis should actually do that. If you're a writer and hanging your hat on the Bills sucked for the last 13 years without actually explaining why they will suck this year, then you should be in the employment line. Sure, it's fun watching the fanciful fringe of the fanbase on this board whine incessantly about the Bills sucking, but I expect more from a 'reporter'. Break it down, what are the Bills weaknesses, what matchups went the Bills way last season? Did Mario do well against certain formations and struggle against others? What's the difference or lack of difference between Stache's defense and Pettine's? There's a lot of interesting thing that can be explored, but like many of the Bills players over the past few years, the reporters for this team take the easy way out. Then again, I guess their job is to get people to read, not provide objective analysis, which their antics manage to do and then they get a bunch of people going "THEY TOLD ME THE BILLS SUCK AND I SAID THE BILLS SUCK SO I AM GENUIOS!"
  8. Actually, it was a glowing article, but then Sullivan got his hands on it and edited it.
  9. I can't believe they haven't started talking extension with him. Budday asleep at the wheel again.
  10. It's obvious Tom Brady will be the starter after Tebow wins the starting QB in New England and they trade him to Buffalo.
  11. It was a long time coming and I'm glad it is here.
  12. I think we just name an NFL team a racial slur for white people and see how many people care...
  13. I feel much safer. Now women can no longer beat me over the head with their bags.
  14. Go ahead and change the Bills name to the Buffalo Bai Tous....don't care. You choose whether to be offended by something.
  15. It seems it never goes well when this type of thing is tried.
  16. ouch, owned. People like to see people get what they deserve. Peters acted like a pompous ass so people like to see him deal with karma even it doesn't make up for him getting a ridiculous contract then not living up to it.
  17. Well, of course, Fitz wanted to be paid the highest at his position.
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