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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. except it is not a race under any meaning or understanding of the word. Feel free to backpedal away though, lol
  2. You're simply not correct. However, since you are an ostrich, that does not matter.
  3. I've gotta choose the goal. That's a championship game that the Sabres could have won.
  4. Byrd hired Eugene Parker for a reason. He didn't hire Parker to 'get a deal done', he hired this specific agent to become the highest paid player at his position. Unfortunately, Byrd doesn't have very many cards other than the one Parker is trumpeting that he was 'underpaid'. If the Bills franchise him for the next two years, they get two years at a rate lower than what Byrd wants and can work towards replacing him. As Parker so helpfully notes every time he opens his mouth, Byrd was 'underpaid' and while that annual salary is nice, he will be fined for missing camp and then not get paid until week 10. That's a lot of money to give up over the next two years to risk injury and a down season to get to Parker's "megadeal'.
  5. The genesis of this conversation would be better if it was 16 bit.
  6. Byrd doesn't want 'market rate'. He wants to be the highest paid at his position.
  7. I think the organization paying him has a right to be pissed. I'm sure they will address with it with him. His response would be a bigger concern. Tiwtter/facebook/instagram has to be a PR person/agents's worst nightmare.
  8. don't agree to letting them use a cookie to track you
  9. yea, I mean c'mon, his password was superbowl. That is a terrible password, it doesn't use a number of special symbol!
  10. Wow, are you using being a Sabres fan as an insult and lauding ESPN in the same post? Ok then.
  11. Well, since there isn't anything else going on... Regardless of Regier's incompetence, he did not dissemble that team. The Marching orders came from Quinn and Golisano. This is a well known fact. I'm all for piling on Darcy, but let's use the things he's actually responsible for to do it.
  12. Well, I guess we know why she is with you based on those pictures.
  13. I hate the Patriots and disapprove of their very existence, but I think they have handled this situation well. They could have waited for him not to report and saved cap space/money (and likely a legal fight with him), but they released him. They could have ignored the jerseys, but they are going to get them off the street.
  14. Hey, you are all terrible people. You don't focus that someone lost their life, you don't care about the Redskins name, and now you aren't all over Mario for practicing safe use of guns! This place in intolerable sometimes.
  15. There is an easy solution. Stop reading him and for the love of all that is holy, stop posting about him
  16. DeMaurice Smith is certainly on the phone calling Roger telling him how responsible the players are and that they don't need the league to discipline them.
  17. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/prosecution-details-events-says-led-odin-lloyd-murder-204349177.html 3:07: Lloyd texts his sister, "Did you see who I was with?" McCauley suggests that this indicates the "temperature" in the car. Lloyd does not receive a response. 3:11: Lloyd texts his sister again, "Hello" 3:19: Lloyd's sister responds, "My phone was dead. Who?" 3:22: Lloyd responds, "NFL" 3:23: Lloyd: "Just so you know" By this point, the four men inside the silver Altima have gotten off I-95 on route 152, near Hernandez's home, McCauley says records show.
  18. So I'd like to ask again, do the Patriots get a 'Get out of Jail Free Card' for his salary against the cap? I'd hope that it is dead money on their cap or they have to 'cut' him.
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