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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. There's probably a lot of factors taken into account such as lease deals and teams that have other holdings. The Bills might be lower, but they have almost no debt.
  2. Should be longer imo. Which they have every right to do and should do. Players need to be accountable to the team and league for their image. These execs should have been fired. They were too high up the food chain for that though so it should have been much longer.
  3. He uses one tactic. Scorched Earth. He hopes the other team blinks. I'm ok with the Bills not blinking and tagging him two years in a row at which point Byrd wouldn't get anywhere near what he wants. You give in and he'll be back.
  4. If you don't set the tone with Parker, he will keep coming back. If he knows you won't cave, he's got nothing. He's not better than any other agent, he's just willing to scorch the earth since he doesn't lose one dime. Byrd isn't some innocent angel who doesn't know what is happening. You hire Parker for a reason.
  5. Here's a tip for how you tell if you have a unique idea and whether it should be a new thread.. You don't. It's not unique and likely is about the original topic.
  6. The rumors say it's 'above' Goldson/Weddle which could still be 'around', but the rumors about being the highest paid safety (not: one of the) don't seem far off. Parker's tactic is usually to not 'negotiate'. There was an excellent point that if Byrd doesn't end up with a huge contract that it opens up Parker to other agents saying, "He made Byrd sit out and lose money then didn't even get him the best deal". His reputation could be a huge wall to get through on getting a deal done.
  7. If Brady and Belichick leave...would you consider the Pats history as strongly?
  8. I'm not, it sounds pretty awesome, but I (personally) don't see how that mitgates his personality and makes him more or less likable.
  9. This whole thread is a non-issue. The guy was likely commenting on none of their QBs staying healthy or lasting more than a couple games. I have serious doubts about Kolb, but man, some of you people really try to stretch things to make it your narrative.
  10. Obviously, you don't read the TBD Conspiracy Report. Ralph is still in full control. Even moreso then before. Russ is just a public face he is using as a shield.
  11. He was so good, you don't even know his name. It was Cheshire Reinhartshausener.
  12. and yet people get all over Goodell when he tries to bring some common sense to the players..
  13. I have a lot of respect for Ross Tucker and he seems to thing highly of him. It's nice to have a coach that is challenging the players on their enthusiasm for the game.
  14. because the OP had vast new insights on the situation not covered in the 46 page thread on the subject
  15. I don't even know how you managed to twist your brain into that thought. Pass Rushers...regardless of position are worth more than safeties.
  16. except you don't seem to understand how the salary cap works. Every season a player plays, he will count against the cap for a certain amount.
  17. The theory that safetys are now more important than pass rushers because it is a 'passing league' is silly. As the league becomes more pass happy, that means you don't just need one dominant pass rusher, but 2 or 3. A good pass rush still makes the secondary better.
  18. Rambling aside, why should they care? Byrd was compensated for his previous work. The Bills are paying him for the production of years under which the new contract will be signed. If Byrd signs a new megadeal and performs poorly, will he give the money back? Also, I'm amazed that you are unaware there is a Salary cap which is why they aren't interested in making him the highest paid safety in the game.
  19. That's certainly a stretch. The FBI shows up a lot of times when people are innocent. Federal Prosecutors also use a ton of tricks to like piling on additional charges and making life miserable to get people to plead. I think he's guilty as the evidence seems to be leaning that way, but faith in if the Feds say you're guilty then you're guilty is an over reach.
  20. Interesting situation. It's good the Bills at least took a look at him.
  21. Are they Officially Jets North now? Think Geno has heard of the them?
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