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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. EJ has had bad days too. Let's not be taking victory laps just yet.
  2. We don't have one starting QB yet. They have to start a real game first. Unsupported positivism is as bad as unsupported negativism.
  3. You mean the same way people last year were saying that if you don't win in preseason that you can't win in the regular season and how ultra-super duper import ant preseason is? Regardless, it's always good to temper expectation, positive or negative.
  4. Your logic is astounding. So if I had a low post count then it's cool and I can call you out, but because I've been on this board for years and have a couple thousand posts...my opinion is less valuable. Be careful, your brilliance is showing.
  5. So it's ok to criticize posts if you haven't been here for awhile? What made you feel your thread was so special that it couldn't be contained by other the other Byrd threads? Also, why was it a question? You know where Byrd was...so I'm confused why you would have to ask? I'm sorry you take exception to being called out for posting a thread that contained no new information on the topic.
  6. Oh, another Byrd thread. I'm sure it will contain much that was not said in prior threads! Hooray!
  7. I think the big thing to take away from this game is that after big plays, they did not crumple and have a hard time keeping the game under control. After big plays, they didn't let up and let the other team regain momentum.
  8. The Colts announcers complained about former Bill Sheppard's ability to cover. They said he is going to need to improve. Hughes won that battle today.
  9. Preseason doesn't mean much....1 preseason game means less.
  10. It's considered bad form and while we don't see the Colts this season, it's just not worth being a dick to another head coach.
  11. I'm confused...Wood is playing LG?
  12. Levitre specifically said he had no interest in getting a deal done and was going to free agency.
  13. He said it the January press conference. Once again, you show you're not paying attention.
  14. Why do people consistently want to cut players for the hell of it? It's like they roll a die and and make a thread "Oh, let's cut this guy!"
  15. so...get rid of the 'potential' log jam at receiver to create one at running back?
  16. It's a stupid policy. Hopefully, fans don't get accustomed to it and continue to let the NFL know it's not acceptable.
  17. I think Kolb starts...Ej plays the 2nd/start of 3rd. Tuel finishes the game from there.
  18. I don't think they necessarily mean he's going to get more carries, but they want him on the field more. You can't leave a linebacker on spiller which means it needs to be a corner or safety. If you put a safety on him then you don't have coverage deep. I think the point is that CJ being on the field creates mismatches and if he's on the field, he can make teams pay if they leave a linebacker on him and helps keep defense honest since he can run and catch.
  19. So the Bills front office knew, but Levitre and his agent were somehow unaware? Levitre made it clear very early that he was going to test the free agent market and the Bills would need to match the price.
  20. REALLY wish we had resigned him. Could use him at left guard!
  21. I understand the guy lives in Florida, but balls, it reads more like the Dolphins blog than the AFC East blog.
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