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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Except it seems to be he is not obeying them and using an 'injury' that doesn't have a definitive diagnosis for it. He also, by his own admission, said he played on it all year last season. The treatment for his injury is rest which from the end of last season to today is loooooooooooong beyond the expected recovery time. After 6 months, it would be recommended to consider steroid shots and after 12 months, surgery. There is a question that needs to be answered on why he is not following the standard treatment protocol for his medical issue when his condition (was able to play through it) has degraded (not able to play through it).
  2. That's an interesting way of expressing it. NFL talent. The NFL is brand of American Football. There is no other way to participate in the NFL then to join an NFL team. A requirement of this that you join the union. An aspiring football player could look at other leagues. I believe the Arena league does not require membership in the union. Another option would be Byrd suing the Player's association to opt of their representation. As it stands, Byrd has agreed to be a part of the union and thus be bound by its laws. Much like I am a part of city, county, state and nation and some laws are not really all that great for me, but I still have obey them.
  3. I'm definitely curious what leads you to believe that he has high moral integrity. There have been rumblings that Byrd has always paid special importance to his 'career' above all else. He hired an agent known for playing hardball. Everything seems like this was planned out. Byrd is a very interesting situation. He's said publicly that he has an injury from last season that still hasn't healed. So either the injury wasn't serious or his plan all along was to eventually report and then sit with an injury to try to force the Bills hand. I hope the Bills stick to their guns and franchise him again next season.
  4. This board is almost unreadable most of the time. After a loss, it's putrid.
  5. We should just have a Lindell sticky thread
  6. I think the Bills/Jets is a blow out one way or the other.
  7. They also scheme away from him as well. The thing that bothers me is that he is the best choice they have...hopefully he improves or legursky can step in and do better
  8. It could be due to copyright issues. Some Tattoo artists have gone insane and believe that if the NFL/Video Games/TV shows a tattoo design that they have a copyright over that they should be paid. Their suits are unlikely to win, but these type of bogus suits have a chilling effect. Currently, Keapernick's tattoo artists and some UFC fighter's tattoo artist are suing over their tattoo's being shown.
  9. what the heck has Hillis done recently that merits picking him up?
  10. The defense looks worlds better and he's not playing so he's not exactly an integral part.
  11. I wonder what players they have on that offense that do fit his scheme. Pulling off the band-aid, I guess.
  12. \ Let's keep in mind, he's not a Jets fan. He's a bills fan acting like an idiot pretending to be a jets fan.
  13. No wins are easy. The Jets run a similar defense that will likely confuse EJ. Amazing how a loss and a win take people from this is an 0-16 season to 'We be rollin dat team, yo'
  14. Gilmore is injured. He will not be back for weeks. Byrd is pretending to be injured. He won't be back.
  15. He fits well in Pettine's scheme. I'm looking forward to seeing Gilmore come back.
  16. I think you should meet Jerry Sullivan. You two would really hit it off...
  17. The other thing about having a D that can cover up mistakes is it allows a rookie QB to grow into the game. EJ fudged up and he will fudge up again like any rookie. Having a D that can bail you out and then give you a chance to win is awesome.
  18. A lot of things to fix, but kudos to the D. Solid D play is what you need to help a rookie QB get his sea legs.
  19. I wonder how so many parents get away with child abuse.
  20. The bills have always been a cash to cap team. This isn't news.
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