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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I think we're going to be hearing a lot about an epidemic among pro-football players in the next couple years.
  2. Byrd would be suing everyone who ever treated him for this if it took 8 months to heal as they would have been utterly incompetent doctors.
  3. Never let facts get in the way of a good crusade!
  4. You are incorrect. The Bills have an operating income of 12.6 million. That is the 6th worst in the league and this is without any loans. I am honestly not sure how this myth persists. They are the 30th most valuable team. http://www.forbes.com/pictures/mlm45ekfed/30-buffalo-bills/
  5. I'm willing to bet that Freeman will not be a top 15 QB in the league.
  6. What does that have to do with Josh Freeman?
  7. Every week someone thinks *THIS GAME* is the *MOST IMPORTANT* game of the season.
  8. So...they think that a blowout is worse than over 30 minutes of a nationally televised blackout? Uhh....ok then.
  9. Watching troll attempts fail always puts a smile on my face
  10. It's an amazing situation. I wonder if Schiano just repeats in the mirror every morning, "Be the Belichick" and doesn't realize it won't work...
  11. It's not an 'injury'. It's a condition. An easily treatable condition. One that *any* doctor after six months of a problem would recommend injection and/or surgery. Byrd just now got orthopedics. I'm not sure how people believe that Byrd's team doctor's and his outside doctor aren't aware of these treatments.
  12. It's a tough spot for the Bills. If they do tag him, he can sit out again with a sore foot. At that point, he will have made pretty good money and can still likely get a team to bite on him for a deal. I'm also curious to see what happens with this now that the playbook is written. Will we see players every season all of the sudden reporting when the season begins and having PT? What will the NFL as a collective do about the move?
  13. The long and short of it is that Byrd will not be playing for this team again. Parker found a loophole and the Bills are now in a tough spot. If they pursue against Byrd then it will be tougher to sign other players. If they let him ride the fake injury bench then he steals money.
  14. The affliction was carefully chosen because there is no 'scan' that definitively shows the issue. It is diagnosed by past health, symptoms (such as where the pain is and what time of day your foot hurts most), and how physically active a person is..In short, "You say your foot hurts" It is treated with rest. Based on Byrd saying that he played through all of last season with it, his issue would be considered critical at this juncture and Byrd should be getting steroid shots or having surgery to correct the problem. So either his doctors are incompetent way beyond the level of malpractice that he has one of the longest diagnosed cases of Plantar Fasciitis and they have not adjusted their treatment recommendation or there is more Keeping in mind, he has consulted outside doctors who may not be discussing particulars with the team. Does anyone know the exact legalities that an outside doctor has to share information with the team. ​I definitely give Parker a huge amount of credit for finding a nice loophole.
  15. Go ahead and try to back track out of it now, but no one is buying it.
  16. They can't. He's in his second year. My mind is slowly shredded by Bills fans and their ridiculous crusades.
  17. If you don't believe the fans of the team deserve to know if he is stealing 7 million dollars. Not sure why you feel the need to insult fans because one fan doesn't pay his 7 million dollar salary for this season. All the fans of the Bills together pay that salary.
  18. As one of the many people helping to pay his salary. It does need to be answered to me.
  19. Who'd a thunk we'd be wishing, hoping and praying for MxKelvin to return to action?
  20. Can you back up that it is one of *THE* most profitable? They generally fall somewhere between 10-15. Which isn't bad by any means, but I think top 5 when someone says THE most profitable. Anyways, if you hand out 9 million dollar a year contracts to every player that thinks they deserve them than...well....that salary cap would bite you in the ass
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