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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. There is a comparison of about 8 million dollars a year that means another 1-4 players don't get resigned. Byrd's had one really impressive game this season. It's still night and day, but while he is very good, a definite top 5 at the position, possibly #1....I'm just not sold that you give a safety that kind of money.
  2. Is it an additional 4-10? Leonhard and Aaron Williams also have 3 interceptions too.
  3. I will admit the people on there suggesting they sign Fitzpatrick to solve their QB issues are amusing.
  4. I apologize for having nothing to apologize for..
  5. I apologize for you having to apologize about seeing jugs first
  6. I APOLOGIZE that none of you realized she was dressed as Puss in Boots from Shrek
  7. It needs to be two years for him to get a serious look as a head coach. He may get a couple interviews, but it's unlikely after one year.
  8. It's about 33%/33%/33%/1% for Geno/Simms/Sanchez/Garrard
  9. There is no trade market for kickers. You can pick up a kicker that some other team cuts...like Carpenter...
  10. Probably because he was telling EJ other things than just the play. Likely things about coverages, things EJ missed, etc. Whatever, it was, it seemed to work well.
  11. Rules allow each team to equip one of its sideline coaches with a coach-to-quarterback headset, It's against NFL rules.
  12. He could speak to him when he was on the sideline, but could not speak to him when he was on the field. There's a brief time between plays that the radio turns on when the QB is on the field.
  13. You're not allowed to talk to the QB via the radio from the booth. So Hackett had to tell Vrabel and then he called the play into Ej
  14. Geno has a cannon arm which is the TBD judge of QB ability. People will forgive almost anything in a qb if he throws a couple pretty deep passes in a game.
  15. I gave you the evidence. No one in the history of the planet has a documented case where the treatment recommendation from the doctor did not escalate to surgery. When are you going to show one case? Just one that supports your magical insider information?
  16. My ridiculous assertion based on tangible evidence is that the connection between the two of them suffered on game days and Marrone was not able establish the rapport (as a head coach, he's probably busy). Hackett's personality is reportedly infection and upbeat which can certainly be helpful along with being able to get a feel and temperature on EJ.
  17. If he plays at the level he did today for the rest of the season, I could see giving him a 4-5 year contract at 8 millionish a year. His motive was to get the team that had his rights to release him or sign him to a long term contract. He co-incidentally signed his tender as soon as he would have started missing game checks. I don't know if surgery was recommended, but it is the standard course of treatment if less aggressive remedies are ineffectual around 6 months. We do know it was debilitating and prevented him from doing his job. We do know he did not have surgery whether it was recommended or not. If it was not recommended, then his doctors likely should be sued for malpractice. I never claimed inside knowledge. I'm working off the things we do know. You've claimed that he has done everything possible. I'd like for you to back that up.
  18. I bought some milk today. Whole Milk, the good stuff. I was thinking about getting chocolate, but I had a reese's peanut butter cup and dunked that in the milk. It was good. I went to Burger King later. I was in line behind a woman. Her hair smelled like Ice. My Goldfish is named Sally Lou.
  19. 2004 was the last published in depth study on Plantar Fasiitis in the Journal. I assume, of course, you can point to a more updated source that documents more severe cases and a degradation in the treatment methods.
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