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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. A gigantic one. This reeks of cronyism and undermines the message.
  2. Yes...because the Bills lost...we can't discuss any other teams. I think you need to take a break man. You're losing it.
  3. I don't think he's worth taking if he's there. He's a great college QB. I don't believe he'll have a great career in the NFL. Thus giving up assets for him would foolish.
  4. It depends on the point of view. Most of the media is lost and confused. They don't understand their role or their jobs. This has allowed 'entertainers' to come in who don't do any real analysis and perform antics like this. The 'stooges' guy could have really done some research and held them accountable. Instead, he chose to fire off his 'brilliant' one liner and call it a day.
  5. An editor choosing a sensationalist headline does not mean any of the quotes from the Jets support that narrative. You should have read the whole article.
  6. It seems like a great system, but the proof in in the pudding. Where do the this year's NFL defenses rank under your system?
  7. A couple things: 1. Geno was their 3rd pick and in the 2nd round. 2. That said absolutely nothing beyond the cliche 'Every position is open' or 'Everyone has to earn their spot'
  8. Most people believe Byrd is in the top if not the top 3. It's hard to say any player is *the* best. Most people who have an issue with making him the highest paid safety is that they feel that you don't spend your cap dollars to that degree at safety.
  9. I had a professor who gave a great lecture on "Right vs Reality". That would be the 'right' thing to do, but the reality is that it would have sabotaged the university and he would have been trashed up and down for tanking the program on his exit.
  10. There's a lot of information not in this statement. They may sign him and look for an upgrade then cut him. Signing him could serve as an insurance policy. Don't let me get in the way of a good panic 2 days into the offseason though.
  11. The question you have to ask is if you want April as the head coach. He left because he wasn't offered the head coaching position.
  12. I consider it a need, but like offensive lineman, I think you can find solid linebackers in later rounds. I'd be looking for the Bills to get a top tier receiving talent. Then look offensive line/Linebacker in the 2nd-4th rounds. Then again, I don't really thinking drafting for need is a good idea. I think if you have a great talent on the board, you take him. I'd rather draft a great players into a position that is already strong than draft the best of the average at a weak position. I think free agency is better to fill holes.
  13. It's a nice gesture and something that players should do more often to bolster a sense of camaraderie. Let's not start crowning him man of the year just yet though. He made 6.9 million this year. So going nuts and saying the trip costs him 50k then he is spending 1/138th of his income the trip.
  14. I am excited for a whole offseason of these threads on a daily basis
  15. Obvious Trolls should just be banned period. Not only are they trolling, they are bad at it which is really unforgivable.
  16. What? They spent a ton of money on high priced free agents. The expectation was a superbowl run...Tannehill took a step back. Their O line was a disaster. Their Defense underperformed. I'm not sure how a coach underperforms and is a coach of the year candidate. There are few who have them on the list of contenders.
  17. Defenses historically improve as the season goes on so keep that in mind.
  18. A good thing too since those tax breaks never work out and usually bring in about 50 cents to each dollar spent and that isn't generally to 'local' workers.
  19. lol, one year of great defense and you guys have him being made a head coach. He's gonna need to do it at least next year as well. Being a great coordinator doesn't make you a good head coach either.
  20. This is mind boggingly silly... Do you think there is an embargo on watching other football teams for Bills fans?
  21. So there's a topic on him removing his helmet the rest of the way which is legal, in no way a penalty and wasn't called such. I can't wait for this offseason to be over.
  22. The problem isn't that Jerry Sullivan is never right. It's that he never tries. He sticks to the low hanging fruit.
  23. The time to address that was when they negotiated the CBA. Not for players to individually decide they didn't like the agreement they made later.
  24. I'm glad someone posted something about Byrd. No idea why nobody is talking about this.
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