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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I'd fine Wade very intriguing if he would come back
  2. Haha, your imitation of the deluded posters on here is spot on. High five!
  3. I haven't been a fan of paying Byrd top dollar, but I'd agree if he walks and the money isn't spent somewhere then that would be...unimpressive. Being a 'Pro Bowler' means absolutely nothing. Why do people keep using as some sort of judge for talent?
  4. The best free agent signing are the 'dust settles' guys. I'm sure Miami is really happy with their 'big splashes' especially the linebackers that performed worse than the guys they replaced.
  5. Well, here's a good reason for me to not watch the halftime show!
  6. What makes you think the Packers fanbase is a shining beacon of 'class'.
  7. I love what Pettine has done with the defense. I have questions about his ability to hire a good staff though. Marrone has at least shown he would go to someone he didn't know and get a guy who can coach. *IF* the reports are accurate and considering the source they should be disbelieved automatically that he was gung ho for the Browns job then I would question him even more. If he's willing to take a head coach job that is long after most assistants are set and where he was obviously not the 1st or 2nd choices and they only got to him after a couple weeks then I think his desire outweighs practicality.
  8. "WE" don't have any work to do. 'WE" don't make the decisions. I'm sorry if you are limited in that you can 'only' discuss one thing at a time. Also, isn't the statement "Do you think the Patriots care at all about what their former players are doing?" foolish considering that BB seemed awfully concerned about former patriot Welker. Also, much like the Bills, the patriots and their fans are two different things. Would you like me to link to a bunch of posts from the pats forums about former players? There's quite a few.
  9. I love this idea that because the Bills didn't do well that talking about other players/teams is off the table. The Bills success don't somehow grant or deny privilege to discuss a player. You folks that are harped on this we must bash all Bills decisions all the time time need to to find a new schtick. Some of us can criticize the failures of the Bills organization and taker delight in a loud mouth getting owned.
  10. Don't let facts get in the way of a good crusade against the Bills. The Bills suck so everything you say about their decisions is automatically true.
  11. Pats fans crying about Welker pick plays is one of the greatest joys I have ever known.
  12. While it would be stupid to underestimate Calvin Johnson...asking someone to apologize for something in the shoutbox is even more silly
  13. Can't believe the Bills let this guy go and now he may coach in a Superbowl!
  14. I still think the Browns should at least talk to Urban Meyer.
  15. OBJECTION! I was hoping I'd come up with a question while objecting..I didn't.
  16. You people need help. Yes, he conjured up an interview with the Browns because of Dreisbach. Keep in mind, the Browns couldn't ask him without the Bills permission and it would have leaked when they asked just like it did now. He is getting one interview from the teams looking for a head coach. One interview...from the Browns. Of course he takes the interview. Turning down an interview would look bad that you wouldn't even talk to a team. Taking the interview puts his name in the headlines. He wants to be a head coach someday. Maybe that is day is soon with the Browns, but I wouldn't hold my breath on that.
  17. He would have to be Cleveland's choice and his prospects are probably better holding off and having another good year with the Bill's D and seeing what offers are out there. You gotta figure that Cleveland job will still be there next season. I mean, Leslie Frazier turned down a HC job because he wasn't the first choice.
  18. On the plus side, Stevie would be certain to have a career year with all that media attention...well, if he didn't do something monumentally stupid with all that media attention
  19. BIll Belichick...this isn't really a question.
  20. ...and people fall for it every single day. Then they go make threads about it and pump them up more as more people listen in to hear what they'll say next.
  21. people, seriously, listen to dibbs who has shown himself time and again to be trustworthy. The guy arguing with him has not.
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