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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. You're talking about the team that is trying to leave Oakland currently? What? Are you being sarcastic or dumb?
  2. What were the big name blockbuster free agents signed by Seattle last season?
  3. You only seem concerned about certain threads. Specifically, this one. There's always threads about former bills players and free agents...especially at the opening of free agency.
  4. c'mon...tripping and getting injured on a mat in preseason was well worth the salary.
  5. I adhere to a philosophy of 3 years for a CB and Receivers.
  6. He had a down, injury plagued year and has a large cap hit. I wouldn't have expected it, but I'm not surprised by it.
  7. Man, I got fooled. I did not think this would be another Byrd thread.
  8. Did you post this in the delmas thread? You might want to zip up, your bias is showing.
  9. Sweet, I wonder how many of these threads we will get today. I wonder, OP, what was insufficient about the other topics?
  10. How low the market is...wat? Brandon Albert got 46 million. 9.2 million per year...for Brandon Albert.
  11. I think you have that backwards. If he signs elsewhere, he instantly becomes the greatest defensive player to ever play the game.
  12. Byrd's going to get a lot of money. There will be a desperate team willing to shell out that kind of money in some fashion. Parker likely has enough pull to get the fake dollars pumped up a good bit.
  13. That's the crux of the issue. A segment of posters on here are beating the drum that the Bills should make what they believe to be a bad football decision in signing a player at a position they may not need to spend type of money in order to show 'They can keep their own players' and 'Are committed to winning'. It means neither of those things. In fact, if they made the decision based on either of those factors then it would be the same as the people who believe Littmann decides what players they sign based on money. The question isn't whether Byrd is better. Is Byrd enough of an upgrade over an upgrade somewhere else like receiver, offensive line or tight end?
  14. Wow, that is like 26% of what Byrd wants.
  15. How do people not know this yet? Chester Risbottom Ekblad Ortosineim McDavid Reingoltenhagen III
  16. He also seems to have a well polished idea of how to act like he is an idiot to get attention, fame and endorsements. I'd like to meet him in private and see what he is really like..
  17. That's just what Haslam's mind control machines want us to think
  18. Beware the anonymous source. Could be Joe Shiptbag from the cafeteria saying that
  19. I enjoy the endless endless threads that the Bills don't keep their own talent that is immediately followed by the "we need to get rid of this guy" threads.
  20. One member of this board will murder another member of this board with the candlestick in the observatory.
  21. With stipends, it's closed to 550k. Of course, that is the money that is made during the Presidency and on the books.
  22. I'll take PF that is only debilitating when unhappy with contract status over Delmas actual injury bug.
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