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Everything posted by Malazan

  2. I think it was a reminder, not a judgement.
  3. Since we should do everything he does in order to be successful, Marrone better skip out on the next one.
  4. When I was a kid, went to a signing at local store. Was like 10. Asked for a picture with him. Said 'No'. Waited in line forever, he took 'breaks' every few minutes that were a few minutes themselves. I got my poster signed, but he ended the signing early and sent a bunch of people away. He used to be a jerk. Seems like he did a 180 and became an awesome member of the community, but the only personal interaction I had with him crushed my image of sports stars as a kid.
  5. You make the case that there is no reason to cut TJ at this time. There is nothing gained by not letting him battle it out. If these mystery receivers can beat him then he will be cut and things will have sorted themselves out. This chorus that targets the whipping boy of the month that have some strange intrinsic need for a player to be cut 'RIGHT NOW' is weird and seems unrelated to football or the Bills.
  6. I don't understand the incessant need of people on this board to get rid of players. Getting rid of TJ doesn't do anything for the Bills at this time.
  7. Please eliminate the 4-3 and 3-4 from your lexicon. It will help greatly when thinking about what players roles will be on the defense.
  8. What? He likes to 'make up his own' routes. He and fitz both spoke about this and how Fitz was someone that would know where Stevie was going to go. I seem tor recall Gailey speaking about it how he let Stevie go with it because it worked and allowed him to get open.
  9. Definitely an interesting article. The rest of it is interesting too. Thanks for posting it.
  10. He should be penalized heavily. The Colts should be forcibly sold to anyone else.
  11. I think it's a tough decision. I sort of feel you take a QB until you find 'the' guy. On the other hand, that limits the ability of guys who take longer to develop and takes away talent from elsewhere. I think once you have the guy, you should take a QB every year in the 3rd/4th/5th so you have the 'next guy' to trade away for a pick or take over.
  12. I also like that people pick him apart and then say to trade him. Do you think other GMs don't have questions on him? His...unique...route running? His speed? You're not going to get a first for him.
  13. The people who have done the least often have the most to say.
  15. I knew this thread was going to be awesome when I read the title
  16. Some team from Buffalo playing one meaningful game is much different than a franchise in the city.
  17. I'm not sold on him. He's excellent against the run, but not so much against the pass. Maybe for 3/4 alignments.
  18. No McKelvin to Left Tackle. We've been singing corners and moving McKelvin to Left Tackle would be a huge mistake!
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