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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. A lot of people on here are ornery. It seems to be a board rule.
  2. Should move down and keep moving down. Could have every 6th and 7th round draft pick.
  3. It's not a bad move. I wonder if one of their back will play at receiver.
  4. I wonder what the rule is if the ball ends up inside a player and he goes into the endzone is...
  5. What's to understand? Kiko see ball. Kiko eat ball.
  6. New York State made a good decision to not throw money away on this. Movies DO NOT bring money into the state. Only one movie in the last ten years has brought more dollars to an area than tax breaks given. The myth that movies generate revenue for the place giving the tax break needs to die. If you feel that money should have been spent on the movie as a promo for the Bills...ok. I have doubts that it would be brings more dollars to the Bills or NYS in that regard either.
  7. If Trump buys the team, people will *want* them to leave Buffalo
  8. I would have to disagree that Mark Gaughan is on the same level as Felser and Carruci.
  9. I think it's interesting that people jumped all over a Toronto reported for speculating on the future of the Bills while the Buffalo News is writing an article about how well they covered someone's death. What is the point of the article? It feels like someone walking up to you and saying, "Hey, I'm relevant." The praise for his colleagues is a nice gesture, but why was it necessary to point out that they did so well? If the manager of a restaurant came up to you to tell you how awesome your waiter was to you...it would be strange. It's not less strange here in my opinion. Does this absolve the absolutely horrendous track record of them covering the team? He also has some interesting ideas like somehow you can't watch things in real time on the internet or that someone would only be following tweets of a game without some reason for not watching it.
  10. It's not a bow. They take shots at other media outlets, randomly talk about life in other eras. I guess I'm of the class that if you do a good job, you don't need to talk about it and you certainly don't need to bash other local news outlets.
  11. http://www.buffalonews.com/columns/jeff-simon/for-an-event-as-significant-as-ralph-wilsons-death-nothing-can-compare-to-print-media-20140330 Since we can have a thread kvetching about a Toronto writer and his classless article about the future of the NFL in toronto....how about one about the Buffalo News....trumpeting it's coverage of Ralph Wilson's death. I saw this on the front page of TBD and did a double take. Then I saw it was the Buffalo News...
  12. "Tom Brady and wife on a beach."
  13. Obviously. After no takers in a trade, they just cut him. Everything is fine, multi-year multi-million dollar contract of regret incoming!
  14. Read. They have to win a court case before they get the privilege to pay the $400 million. The NFL would have to back them (I'm sure they'd love a court case that would drag on for a year or two to move a team from the only city it has been in). They would then have a relocation fee from the NFL. Or wait 7 years and move them with no hassle. Just because your mind conceives something doesn't mean it qualifies as a thought. Keep in mind, Ralph had no loans. A new owner could very well have loan payments.
  15. I find it hypocritical that people are up in arms about things being said about Ralph Wilson that were being said on this board the days before his death.
  16. The very idea that you have any idea about what was going on there and what Littman did and did not do is silly. It's been shown time and time again that the Bills were *not* cheap and not the lowest spending team in the league and they are generally in the middle of the pack.
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