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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. From your fingers to SDS eyes, hopefully. Gailey's defense got him fired
  2. buckets of money isn't that much; and in Buffalo, it's more
  3. I would have gone with, "Figures EJ would pick the first loser."
  4. If someone walked up to you and said, "If I give you buckets of money, but you have to be known as an idiot".....well, you'd be an idiot to say no. Honestly, you're the idiot. You fell for it and gave him attention and then went and encouraged others to give him attention. If you love or hate them, they don't care as long as it one of those. Indifference is their enemy.
  5. No reputable source is reporting this....mobilelikez.com...really? Seems like starting a thread with that would be bannable
  6. Tim Tebow is going to play Wide Receiver for the Browns. Sorry to rain on everyone's parade.
  7. I worry about the spiders crawling underneath my skin and the voices telling me to kill in my head
  8. You have to play in games to earn a check. ...but seriously...who cares?
  9. Wins are entertaining. I only need one argument against trump...gotrump.com
  10. The thought that went through my mind reading this is that if you combined the ability of all of the 'writers' at the Buffalo news...they could never have produced an article with this much analysis.
  11. How much beyond the amount he could write off on his taxes?
  12. Let's stop oppressing them and give the casino revenue to the States. We'll give them the same rights as all other Americans. Now can we stop caring wtf they call the DC football team?
  13. I don't mean to slow down the pile on as the manziel circus is stupid, but this article doesn't seem to whine about them restricting access...it seems to be pointing out that everyone knows it is Manziel's job to lose and it's silly for Cleveland to pretend otherwise when in three months they'll be talking about how he 'beat out' Hoyer.
  14. Florida, the greatest reality TV show there is..
  15. What idiocy is this? So if I get wind my employer is looking to replace me with someone else, I basically have carte blanche to kill the candidates, do drugs, run a prostitution ring and then claim I was in fear of losing my job so it's my employer's fault? Fear of losing their job doesn't make their decision the fault of the teams.
  16. Browns looking to add a Receiver? Water is Wet? Sh*t stinks?
  17. People discussed the points quite a bit in the Watkins thread.
  18. Jerruh would also squeeze profit from the league until it was bone dry if he could. He doesn't seem to think longterm health of the league. More than ever before have I heard from people who are losing interest in the NFL. I live in Texas too and a lot of that disinterest is directly related the Cowboys.
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