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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. You're right, it's not an argument against changing the name. It's an argument against the USPTO taking action. I notice you conveniently leave out the other examples. I guess 'News Whores' is ok with you.
  2. Using the same logic the USPTO applied in the Redskins case, the NAACP and United Negro College Fund should be forced to give up their trademarks as well. And while not trademarked per se, I assume the State of Oklahoma will now be considering renaming itself. After all, Oklahoma means "Red Man" in Choctaw... Then there's FAG, a mark for "lubricating oils and greases." Yep. The mark is registered and is not pending cancelation. This is not offensive according to the USPTO. Stinky Gringo is the valid trademark for a type of premixed alcoholic cocktail. And one more direclty analogous to the Redskins: RedMan is a mark registered for chewing tobacco, complete with Indian logo. It is a national brand, and the mark, far from being canceled, has been renewed without a hitch. And then there's registered marks "NewsWhore", "Bitches Bash", "Creepy-Ass Cracka", and "Suck It", all of which enjoy good standing at the USPTO. But Redskins? No, that's offensive and has to go. The Redskins should be renamed, but the USPTO is not the appropriate place to try to legislate them into changing. It would be a bleak, dark place if we legislated whether or not people could use language someone deems offensive. Even if it is the majority that deems it offensive.
  3. "I'm not saying you're dumb - far from it - but other posters process things very quickly"
  4. I don't think the patent office should be making decisions based on political or moral reasons.
  5. Hey! Jake Locker has something to say about that!
  6. Take a deep breath and hold...hold it...keep holding it....
  7. Now if only they stop the stupid things like the security theatre and actually work on making us safer, we'll all be grand.
  8. What happened to him covering actual news stories? I recall he had a piece awhile back that was not sports related that wasn't bad.
  9. Houston looks pretty bad. I think Cleveland has the most potential for disaster drama though.
  10. I'm all for burning Agents, but the players drive the top dollar at the expense of everything else contracts. Look at the CBA being a prime example. They negotiated for top dollar caving on other issues and then have tried to litigate their way out of it since...the same thing happens on an individual basis. It is up to players to instruct their agents on what they want.
  11. Well, whichever one loses...couldn't have happened to a nicer guy
  12. I've got three-fiddy, anyone want to make a partnership group with me?
  13. I think this clip from Silicon Valley is appropriate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zYWyXwKrHg Tip to Tip efficiency is important
  14. I recall the opinion was that people felt he was a good DC with experience, but had concerns that the game had passed him by and his schemes were too vanilla. I don't recall unbridled enthusiasm for him taking over.
  15. Super Bowl L would be tough to make a decent logo. I'm fine with the change.
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