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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I'll be sure to start reading his stuff. Thanks for the heads up.
  2. Also, people tend to be 'right' on a curated list of prospects that have already weeded out most players. They also tend to 'forget' the guys they were wrong about and enjoy revisionist history because they don't have hundreds of thousands of fans watching their picks.
  3. I'm not disagreeing that there is an issue, but there seems to be quite a bit of assumptions in the story. It would be good to recognize that when assessing it.
  4. I think they play a game where one team scores 0-72 points and the other team scores 0-73 points. I may not know much about football, but I know trading with Bill for a QB seems to be a sure sign that a GM/Coach is going to be fired.
  5. You think having a veteran start while a rookie sits behind him to learn is a bizarre idea?
  6. Not to mention, he doesn't risk his current 'genius' label getting tarnished. If returns and flubs...well..
  7. not that I disagree, but how many people on non-bills websites have seen the AFC East QBs play? Vick would likely win on name recognition alone
  8. I went ahead and removed the strangely irrelevant parts of your post that didn't answer the question in anyway. Anyways, why is the NFLPA who has actively negotiated against domestic cases being subject to discipline not under fire? Why are players calling for Goodell's head when they have actively supported their Union leaders who have taken this stance?
  9. It's still very interesting that no one is interested in the resistance from the Players Union about changing the domestic violence policy. Why? Why is this a lightning rod for Goodell? Is it just maroons who need a figurehead? Well, he's the ONLY person who knows the truth then. Why aren't you as upset at DeMaurice Smith who actively lobbied against player punishment for domestic cases?
  10. You don't get it at all. Are you even a Bills fan? Now that he's NOT on the Bills, he's AWESOME!
  11. because actual football matters little to a portion of this board..the constant, non-stop kvetching whether it is valid or invalid is what really matters.
  12. "The best thing to do when a thread is locked is start a thread asking why the thread is locked." ~ Albert Einstein
  13. Who do people calling for his head think should take over? Do they think said person would have done better in regards to domestic violence? Has the player's union expressed support for reforming the personal conduct code before this? Do they now? Why isn't DeMaurice Smith under fire?
  14. I'm curious about the call for his resignation. Is it just ray rice's suspension that leads people to believe he should resign? Is it that they did not have sufficient resources in place to handle domestic violence in the NFL? People seem to mention that he makes ~41-44 million an awful lot, how does that fit into it? Who do people calling for his head think should take over? Do they think said person would have done better in regards to domestic violence? Has the player's union expressed support for reforming the personal conduct code before this? Do they now? Why isn't DeMaurice Smith under fire?
  15. Ray Rice. He's looking for work and is familiar with the NFL's domestic violence problem.
  16. Your definition of best obviously doesn't include being an entertainment sideshow.
  17. I think it's simple. The players have much more free time on their hands in the offseason and the prevalence of recording equipment and easy distribution of information.
  18. Even after all this time, you people don't know his name...it was Chaswick Reingartenberger IV
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