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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. ^right there. Is there something in the water that people can't keep up with a message board?
  2. It's a no lose situation. If the pats lose, AWESOME. If the Jets lose, the hilarity of the circus will entertain us all.
  3. Those questions are better than what the people who write about sports in Western New York are asking. Maybe you should start up covering sports again.
  4. They should fire that market research firm. I have no idea how anyone could believe that was a good idea.
  5. 9 wins. I would have said 8-8 before the season, but the loss to the texans was inexcusable.
  6. You think Trump....I can't even...do you see that?! You made me say, "I can't even". Go to your shame corner.
  7. sounds more like ex-gm jerry angelo didn't want people to forget he exists
  8. ehh..whatever man...don't harsh on the guy for his opinion. Peace and Love.
  9. Geno is worth far, far more to the Bills as long as he is starting for the Jets
  10. Keep in mind, while the article may be 'right', it's written by their version of jerry sullivan
  11. No, he's just not very good. idiots believe he is better than he is because he is 'nasty'
  12. Not going to happen. Trades are near impossible to work especially during the season.
  13. I voted yes because I voted No on Pettine and he left. I'd like to keep a d coordinator for a couple years.
  14. You and I have different definitions of 'single'. I've always held it to mean 'one'.
  15. Always good for a depth player to be in the club at 2AM for a team that vying for the division.
  16. If they were caught then they were likely ejected. The Bills informed NFL security.
  17. You can not like their plan or their performance, but if you don't support them then why are you paying attention to the team? You should be supporting them...not rooting for the "I told you so" moment.
  18. I'm sure the players have been well informed about the testing and how to avoid it. If someone does get caught, they will scream about how Goodell is the devil and it's not true that they ate some weird Japanese candy bar which is why they tested positive.
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