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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. You can't even spell his name right. It's Chester Rotgobberdengmengish III
  2. That's the exact point. We have a defense that's playing pretty well. We have an inept offense and no QB. How does Rex fix any of the issue the Bills currently have as a HC?
  3. No thanks. Rex is a terrible game manager and has no idea what to do with an offense and sticks with bad QBs for far too long. How is this an improvement over what we have?
  4. or even worse, the people who can't recognize thatother understand the question and think the hypothetical musing is so unrealistic that it is not worth considering even as a lark. Those people are the worst.
  5. You had to research it to know this? I hear synchronized swimming is a nice sport too.
  6. There would need to be so much more added to this deal. It's a silly hypothetical because at the time, the Colts would not have even though of making this deal.
  7. There's always options. Manuel isn't doing anything at the moment and he is a god damn magnet for defensive lineman.
  8. Thank goodness. Now I can complain about someone new next week.
  9. I'm not sure I consider Sam Bradford as 'Developed'
  10. A bills fan pretending to be a jets fan just doesn't strike my funny bone
  11. Bruce. I don't think a guy 'gets in the conversation' until year 5.
  12. some "Fans" on this board would have crucified Favre.
  13. Well, a meteorite could have hit the earth and wiped the existence race off the planet...why do we do anything at all? It's pointless...we'll all be dirt in the end
  14. These are the same people who calling for him to start from game 1. They won't ever be happy. Ignore them instead of letting their insanity bog you down.
  15. or cleveland...they got pasted by the jags.
  16. I'm sick of people making up conspiracies in their head. So let's call it even.
  17. what the hell are you even talking about...the poster was saying Gruden is not good. Someone thought he was talking about Ron Wolf. I corrected him. I don't know what the hell you're talking about. Maybe they offer a class on 'how to message board' somewhere that you can take.
  18. Calvin Johnson was hurt almost two weeks prior to playing the Bills and was hampered in the game before they played the Bills.
  19. can we please stop with everything is 'help from the zebras'. Get over it. Penalties are called, rules are enforced. Sometimes correctly, sometimes they get it wrong.
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