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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I think the next round of rules will start to favor QBs and offensive lineman. Pass rushers will have to count to five mississippis before they can cross the line of scrimmage. Seriously, I think we'll be seeing rules related to defensive linemen and what they can do pre-snap crop in the next few years. We may also start to see limits on what they can do with their hands like there are on offensive linemen.
  2. You seem to have some sort of personal vendetta against him. His results are pretty good.
  3. Miami has nothing, but behind the scenes intrigue. Hickey may be a decent GM, but Aponte is manipulating things there. Philbin is gone.
  4. Have you seen him play the last couple weeks? Outside of the average game he had and got a lot of press for when he replaced Foles...he hasn't been that good...behind a good offensive line.
  5. Why? His offenses have been poor and he has offensive line issues. the same problems the Bills have had...
  6. As someone who believes Manziel will not make it. It would have been sily to stick with Hoyer who was playing Geno Smith levels of bad. May as well see what you have.
  7. It's not often that signing the 'top' guy in free agency lives up to expectations.
  8. How shocking. Demaurice is going to sue so players can beat their wives/children/girlfriends
  9. You may not spend money, but your attention gives the news money. Everytime you read an article, they generate ad revenue.
  10. You keep reading him and giving him attention. you're literally keeping him in business. His employer doesn't care why you read his articles, they just care that you do. They get money for it if you hate him or love him. You want him to go away? Stop paying attention.
  11. It's amazing that Mike's potential is never realized everywhere he goes especially when he is so helpful in talking about it. Even more amazing is that people on this board believe him
  12. You gave him exactly what he wanted. Your attention. He has a job because of people like you. Ignore him and he goes away.
  13. I'm more interested in the Line coach than the OC
  14. He wouldn't win as much as he does if he wasn't a sleazebag.
  15. or..like every season the past ten years or so...they will get beat after looking 'unbeatable' in the regular season
  16. Fixed. Copyright enforcement? Oh, wait, that is homeland security giving press conferences from Disney headquarters.
  17. ...and the legend of Richie Incognito's abilities on the field grows..
  18. Icognito was average. On his good days. Because he is 'nasty' people think he is much better than he was
  19. You're a horrible human being, but not for that.
  20. You're incorrect. He went there, sucked, a lot...to the point that talk of him sitting was heating up then got hurt.
  21. Isn't sportsxchange an aggregator? I don't think they have 'writers'.
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