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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I agree with this statement. However, I think Brandon can remain in the President role. He just needs to be taken out of football decisions. However, is it a 'turnaround' if they were still below .500? I mean they went from !@#$ing terrible to good, but they were good one season..bad the next. I require consistency to call something a turnaround. I did think Marrone had a shot to make the playoffs here next season.
  2. Rex didn't do that. Schottenheimer did. Rex has made it no secret that he was hands off on offense. If that is the case, why not stick with Schwartz?
  3. I heard that the Bills plane flew over Michigan while on the way out west. Possible they are working on prying Harbaugh out of the college game and back to the NFL.
  4. He's not going anywhere. He will retire in NE. Please stop.
  5. buffalonews.com should probably be a banned site due to accuracy issues.
  6. Well, what we've heard is that Marrone wanted an extension and didn't get it then he asked for an extension for his staff. Maybe he did get the extension, but they balked at the staff.
  7. stop posting crap from sullivan. He's a message board troll of the worst sort.
  8. I'm more comfortable with Whaley being in charge than Polian.
  9. He's not going anywhere. He will retire in NE. Please stop.
  10. Drop the conspiracy stuff. Marrone wanted an extension for himself and/or his staff, he didn't get it which indicated that he was on a win or die contract next season. He had an opt out and took it. The only thing to take away from it is Marrone made a bunch of stuff up about his 'commitment'.
  11. That's the professional level of quality you expect from sully...stop paying attention to him folks
  12. I'm not Shanny's biggest fan, but pretending that RGIII didn't have a great rookie year or that it's "oh, so easy" is kinda silly. There's plenty of real reasons to dislike him.
  13. This is all just sh*t people are throwing at the wall.
  14. Dream Coach: I've gotta go with Kubiak. He's made offenses work with poor QBs and took Flacco from the grey area of long term starter to him being included in conversations of 'Elite'. With Schwartz in place, and an 20th or better offense, this team would be a force. Eh: Schwartz. I like what he's done with the D and the players seem to really like him. Don't really know what happened in Detroit and how much laid at his feet. Hell No: Gase. If you trust someone who has Manning at QB then you're asking for trouble. No one heard his name before manning.
  15. If we had actuall reporters in Buffalo, we might know
  16. Time used to be an ok read until he went to ESPN. His writing their became much more mundane and poor. Then he quit/was fired and came back to Buffalo and has been a little b*tch since...sorry it didn't work out in the big leagues, timmah
  17. This is some good news. If they manage to keep Schwartz on Defense...outside of the drama, it could be a pretty attractive job.
  18. It seems pretty unlikely because the amount of money and operational control would be huge. You can bet he's not accepting a job where being fired would be an option for the owner in 2 years like their last GM.
  19. I'm curious about the tension between Whaley and Marrone. I didn't think much of it before, but I wonder how Brandon fits into it as well. There is a bit in an article about Orton's retirment that perked my curiosity: Source: http://www.syracuse.com/buffalo-bills/index.ssf/2014/12/kyle_orton_retirement_surprises_doug_whaley_doug_marrone_buffalo_bills_in_a_bind.html It may be nothing, but it seemed strange to me. Given the source, it may not even be true. It does seem that there is a disconnect between the two though.
  20. They should just get all the cast off Qbs and have a giant free for all!
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