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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Firechan, your gardener once gave me some good advice: "There's a time you stop diggin and get out of the hole".
  2. No. He was good for a long time, but not elite. Pro-bowl and All Pro mean nothing. Wasn't there something about guys kept voting him to the probowl because of his barbecue?
  3. I've never heard anyone, ever say Fred Jackson talks too much.
  4. It was a joke then too. Players still did not want to be in it. It's too much risk of an injury for no reward. There's little reason for a big time player to be in it. They need to completely rethink the game and who plays in it. Keep the skills competition as is and perhaps work with the NCAA to have the senior bowl instead. I'd much rather see the NFL 'All Pro' skills competition and the senior bowl over that weekend than the current pile of dung they call a pro-bowl.
  5. ok then. I've never heard anyone ever even imply that Fred Jackson talks too much before though.
  6. Wow, there are still people who think the Pro-Bowl means anything...
  7. He agreed to the contract. I wish people would stop being offended for other people.
  8. The guy is not very good. Adrian Peterson...will be signed by a team because he can play football. Incognito...not so much. If he would actually be a fix, I'd say fine, but he's not so let's move on. The hard on some of you have for this guy because he's "mean" is crazy.
  9. Can a mod edit the post subject to be more accurate?
  10. You just found out the probowl is a joke?
  11. The report is BS. A single anonymous source. The source is probably the writer's favorite teddy bear. If it's not true, everyone will forget about it. If it is true, they will plaster it everywhere about how connected they are...
  12. You can understand something to a great deal. You can have the best ideas ever. You have to execute them though which is where things become messy.
  13. No, he didn't. He was not interested in playing for the Bills. He was also less effective than Jackson. It's great that he has been productive in Seattle, but pretending he was the same back here is revisionist history.
  14. Regardless of the impact the deflated balls would have...it makes you wonder what doesn't get detected. They're the only team that needs a forensics team to go through and make sure they're not up to some bullsh*t
  15. Revis is under contract. His contract just makes it very likely he will have to renegotiate or be cut in the offseason.
  16. They likely let him go as a favor to Schwartz so he's free to take any job offered without getting the Bill's permission. It was difficult to imagine that a former HC who had the #2 or #4 defense (depending on who you ask) was going to want server under a head coach with a different philosophy. In order for Schwartz to get back to being a head coach, he'd need to go elsewhere. Also, the Bills passed him up in favor of Ryan.
  17. He has always wanted attention. His actions aren't this 'heroic' stand as some fans like to believe. It's a 4 year old throwing a temper tantrum. We'll see if Seattle thinks he's worth it this offseason.
  18. I live in Austin, it's been well received and people think he's a huge upgrade to Marrone. They are way more positive about it than I am.
  19. He in his Bills gear pretending to be a Jets fan somewhere
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