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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. but...he's not on the Bills so obviously he is secretly awesome and it will yet another travesty when they don't sign him
  2. I don't get these...who cares that some unknown designer made helmet designs.
  3. How many times does the NFL have to fail in LA before it sinks in?
  4. Keith Rivers was the glue that held the defense together. Just another example of Ralph being cheap. As long a Littman is watching Ralph's pocketbook, the Bills will never field a winner.
  5. I'd prefer Moore, but who is that and why should I trust his opinion?
  6. He and Fitzpatrick clicked. Stevie has a hard time with conventional routes. His routes get him open, but it's tough for a QB to know where he is going to be. A QB like Manning or Brady would not click with him.
  7. Cutler has been a dumpster fire for years. I don't know why people on this board are so fascinated with him.
  8. There's always that one guy. Today, it's you and the rest of us just shake our heads.
  9. I'd prefer Bradford for a 3rd or 2nd over either of those for a high 1st too
  10. No offer. Performance did not outweigh up to penalties.
  11. I wouldn't say no to Levitre at a reasonable price, but he was just as bad as the Bills line last season.
  12. No, has more to do with Atlanta not putting up some hissy fit that it didn't happen and knowing they will be punished.
  13. You also can't watch football without cheerleaders. Not sure if troll account or just...
  14. Oh, hey. Another thread about a below average-average starting offensive lineman. Awesome.
  15. He is being suspended because he was in a program designed to KEEP him IN the league after a serious substance abuse problem. Part of that program for him to STAY in the league mandated that some activities like drinking were not allowed. He violated those conditions. If he felt they were unfair, he should have spoken to his union during collective bargaining. The players CHOSE to get more money over other things when they went into collective bargaining.
  16. A take no prisoners, total war, kill the babies and violate their women dedication to doing whatever ever it takes to win.
  17. I have no idea what the hell Bevelle was thinking. Also, nice of him to throw his receiver under the bus saying he could have gone harder for it.
  18. I have no idea what the hell Bevelle was thinking. Also, nice of him to throw his receiver under the bus saying he could have gone harder for it.
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