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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. OMG OMG OMG. I am so excited about Chester Rinegart, I can't even. He is the greatest guard to ever play the game.
  2. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/176813-rumor-bills-going-after-clint-boling/
  3. I never thought Lumanati was realistic. Boling makes more sense.
  4. Are you crazy? Did you even watch any of the Bills games last season?
  5. Well, liking puppies is all well and good, but I don't see how that affects the tidal waves that will win the Bills a World Series.
  6. It depends on what you consider big. I think there will be a couple mid-level players where the contracts could put them in the category of "Big".
  7. It's still on the first page...http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/176755-michael-crabtree/
  8. Shows me more how people will act stupid and run around yelling that the sky is falling based on a rumor generated by people believing another rumor.
  9. Well, to be fair, this seems like a case of someone being offended for someone else who may or may not have a problem.
  10. What do we do about "star player" we draft in 2020? How are we going to resign him?
  11. Can we put a ban on Fred Jackson threads? I love the guy too, but it was a rumor which was created because of another rumor and people are going nuts.
  12. The NFL has no authority over the agents. Telling the teams, means they will put more pressure on the agents to not release the details.
  13. I can understand cutting Fred. I think the best scenario would be to offer him a Coaching position. However, I think the OP is just taking a guess of something that is likely to happen.
  14. Eagles QB was the best. There will never be another like him.
  15. If you feel like you just can't ignore him and it's just too much to hold in..then complain at https://r.espn.go.com/members/contact/index
  16. I'd like to see the Kolb plan put into place. Start Cassel and let EJ come in when he gets hurt unless it's clearly established that EJ is better.
  17. They are free to say what they wish. He is free to respond how he wishes, but seems...iffy on the School's part to intervene and suspend a student. I also really wonder if Joe Schmoe told them about it if anything would happen.
  18. already been debunked. Not worth discussing.
  19. His moves certainly make me curious. He's either a genius or about go down in some pretty spectacular flames. Either way, it will be fun to watch.
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