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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. What are the Redskins willing to give up for a team to take on his contract?
  2. The Patriots. Until Brady goes they always win the arms race.
  3. That's severe? Farmer loses some money that Cleveland can just give back to him as a bonus or restructuring his contract as there are no rules preventing that and 250k? That's not a large fine to an NFL team.
  4. The rumor mill says he'll be cut if they can't trade him. No sense in offering up a pick.
  5. This seems like someone who is masterful at baiting people. Seems like a lot of people fell for it.
  6. lol "Eye test" I mean, I don't think EJ is going to make it, but why use facts when you have the mysterious and undefined "eye test"
  7. Since the rookie wage scale, I think the top 5 picks are probably worth more to trade away than drafting a player. Unless there is a Luck available, I think you trade it away.
  8. The rumors say that Chip didn't like his running style and wanted him to hit the hole more directly.
  9. There's only so many jobs that come open. How many DC were being hired and were in good situations? The best bet is usually a new head coach, but many of them are defensive guys. The Seattle job wasn't open and neither was San Francisco which at the time had a solid defense before everyone started retiring.
  10. so very true...caring about winning and caring about wanting to guy who wins are also different things. RG3 seems hung up on winning *his* way..not his coaches way
  11. I don't how "professional" paid reporters keep missing this fact.
  12. He said something honest. Nothing about Lynch's marketing to sell his products is honest.
  13. My new favorite thing is Nihilist Arby's....Nihilist Rodak would be a million times better.
  14. They have their defensive players stand real close to the guys who are supposed to catch the ball. Just remember, the free agency championship doesn't tend to work out well.
  15. Yep and they will get a bunch of comp picks and the comp picks they got for the last group will replace this one.
  16. My mind on QBs is you find the QBs who had the greatest accuracy over 20 yards and looks to be able to read defenses (not memorize formations). I don't think that's Petty.
  17. both teams have to start winning and being able to beat NE for their to be a rivalry between them. Until that happens, no, it won't be like the 90s.
  18. Of course. Pats were just taping other teams signals for the sake of Football history too.
  19. Yes, getting one of the best QBs in the league is great idea. I'm really not sure how you came up with it, OP.
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