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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Technically, he was fired. He didn't leave. Marrone opted out.
  2. I wonder if Jacksonville forums link to every article the Buffalo media writes about Marrone.
  3. Why can't you people get his name right? It's not Chad Rhinehart. It's Chester McReinbolden IV
  4. It's been discussed in http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/175767-aaron-hernandez-trial-guilty/page-13
  5. Arians is not a coach I'd really be into questioning his decisions too much last season.
  6. I agree with your sentiment that regardless of what was available that it falls on Whaley. However, two guys who have never played in the NFL? If you think losing the pick last year is a problem, it would be well over giving up two additional firsts to swap picks from 19. Again, for two guys who haven't played a down in the NFL. Cutler...wtf..
  7. Chip will either be the greatest football mind that there has ever been or a blistering idiot. Even if he is somehow making the 'right' personnel moves...he's pissing off a lot of players. He's going to have to be genius every single year.
  8. I like that the phrase "Arm Talent" came out of this thread.
  9. I'd like give an I for incomplete until we see what happens with this team under Ryan. I think he's done a fantastic job, but you can't confuse effort with results...so until playoffs = C
  10. Move Glenn to WR! Move Urbik to QB! ALL PROBLEMS SOLVED! #IshouldbeaGM
  11. They do often have sources from teams or scouting agencies that they also incorporate into their stuff. They're still awful and throwing darts at board blindfolded, but you don't often see "Wild swings" from the draftnik boards to what players get drafted. If they have a guy at number 1 then it's rare to see that guy get out of the first round.
  12. You're under an assumption that sullivan's job is to be 'right'. You may *think* that his job or that his job is to report on Buffalo sports. That's not his job. His job is to attract attention. In your case, he has clearly done so and succeeded at his job.
  13. It seems like they were trying to keep him in the pocket in the scheme they were running.
  14. I like it. It interesting seeing the trends. Sports sites all seem to be going with a lot of white and light colors the past couple years. Looks like a lot on Angular being used as well.
  15. If the players left to go drinking they likely would have been fined by the team.
  16. Deflating balls outside of the specified limits is very much cheating.
  17. I think they should have it on a remote, rugged mountain in the Himalayas in the middle of a blizzard to toughen them up.
  18. Neither of these strike me as "Severe". I'm not sure either deserved "severe", but these punishments seem pretty light.
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