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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Seems rather mundane for a freak out.
  2. I'll believe when I see it in pads and games.
  3. I say if he's still there in the 5th, take him. I think a 5th is worth the risk that you have to cut him if he's not cleared. Time to win games, not humanitarian awards.
  4. I don't think they would. Not after trading up for Sammy last year. I think they'd be more likely to trade down.
  5. I don't like trading up. Especially in the 1st round. I think it's always shortsighted. However, I'd rather they have a plan and execute that plan that waffle around. Even if they end up executing it poorly.
  6. He needs to win some sort of award. Seriously, that is a special kind of stupid.
  7. It raises a number of concerns for me. The intelligence and commitment issues you mentioned. I also question their personality and if they have fallen to the 'I can get away with anything' attitude as well. It's like 6 months of your life to not smoke pot. If he can't put it down for 6 months will he really put in the time to be worth a 1st or 2nd round pick? Sounds like he needs a foot up his ass
  8. A brain hemorrhage that causes a an injury to think he is worth getting..
  9. He probably shouldn't drink so heavily and then write his articles.
  10. Same agent. Suspected payola or favor to promote.
  11. Hey, that would be awesome for them. Don't knock the way they live their life.
  12. At this point, I think Chip might accept a trade for an actual duck....or maybe a turducken.
  13. wow, chip is convinced of his own genuis http://www.csnphilly.com/blog/700-level/twitter-responds-tim-tebow-eagles-news-accordingly Robert Klemko doing a great job: https://twitter.com/RobertKlemko
  14. I don't dislike Joe B, but I am happy that Sal is now the beat reporter. He manages to not sound like a jerk.
  15. It's pretty rare after they are on a new team. There's a lot of new guys that are here that could be interviewed.
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