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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. proven terrible? Vick is god awful. He's not even worthy of holding camp fodder's jockstrap at this point.
  2. Why aren't players on other team's retiring? Sure, it could be an astronomical coincidence. I mean, hey, the two stars of the NBA championship were born in the same hospital. Unlikely things happen, but wouldn't there by *one* other player from another team...somewhere that would retire?
  3. So...because you don't have a technical setup that can do something as simple as display web video or your pc desktop to your screen with a push of a button..we should gold common sense innovation that games be shown on the internet instead of through regional carriers. Instead of spending all that time on a petition figure out your setup or spend $30 and get a chromecast
  4. WTF makes you think he can play. The last time he played, he was not very good.
  5. This is like a TBN scoop story. Team that likely will miss starting long term experienced QB for 2-4 games has backup taking additional reps. Read our next story: Everywhere else in the world, Football means Soccer. TBN reporters are on top of this amazing discovery.
  6. It's not being blackballed. You have 32 companies who don't want a woman beater who wasn't very good the last time he played.
  7. He should be there, but I'd rather be talking about a 3rd guard not being in OTAs than our 2 best defensive lineman and big trade for an aging receiver not being there.
  8. So is Kraft still releasing videos of him acting with his "friend"? Ya know, the "friend" that is like 30-40 years younger than he is..
  9. There is a part of me that wants Brady on the field, but it's a stupid part. Same part back in college got me involved in games of "Studboard roulette"
  10. That is the going rate for a QB with average/good season. They got a steal regardless of what they paid him. Behind Brady, he is the most stable QB in the division.
  11. What if 2 girls did something with a cup and posted it on the internet?
  12. It's not the WWF. The very concept that they had some plan to turn Brady into a "bad guy" to drive up popularity is insane. I have no words that could possibly reach through to you on how far out in left field that theory is...
  13. That you think he would be the best QB means you likely shouldn't be throwing stones about other's ability to judge QBs
  14. I have to disagree. I'm pretty sure "suspending your top player for cheating right after winning a championship" is pretty high up there for any sports league.
  15. Al Davis always had a lot of confidence too.
  16. Doesn't matter. They have no interest in doing so.
  17. It's the homer in you. It's a lot of homer in you too. Like...up to his waist and he ain't slim.
  18. Do you have something that isn't a conspiracy theory that requires several lapses in common sense that would make sense that the NFL would *want* to suspend what could very well be its biggest star coming off a Superbowl Victory which will mean he is being suspended for the very first NFL game of the season which they surely knew, like the rest of us, was going to cause a stir and fracturing of the relationship between the commissioner and one of his staunchest supporters while dominating the press and tarnishing the legacy of what could be described as the only current modern Dynasty in the NFL? Yeah, seems like the NFL couldn't wait for this to happen...Ole Roge must wake up each morning giddy about this sh*t.
  19. It's PFT. They aren't exactly professionals. The idea the NFL *wants* to suspend one of its biggest stars who just won a Superbowl for the 1st game of the season is sort of silly.
  20. Yes, that is the Pats****** line of thinking. The NFL *wants* to suspend one of its biggest stars who just won a Superbowl for the 1st game of the season. Also, that they did in the offseason so it would get *more* attention. When it seemed like there was a slight slap on the wrist...they didn't care. When there was actual punishment...OMG, everything was a conspiracy!
  21. I just hope they tell the NFLPA to go pound sand. DeMaurice Smith is the worst thing to happen to football since its inception.
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