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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. The articles: Buffalo News: http://bills.buffalonews.com/2015/07/08/do-the-bills-have-the-worst-qb-situation-in-the-nfl/ Syracuse: http://www.syracuse.com/axeman/index.ssf/2015/07/buffalo_bills_qb_no_matter_who_it_is_ranks_dead_last_in_nfl_says_si_analyst.html
  2. I think we should try moving Dareus to CB. He's our best defensive lineman and think what he could do when he bumps a receiver at the line. It's so brilliant I get why they didn't think about it before now. In short, Why? The Bills don't have depth problems at CB. Why take away reps from...ya know..actual CBs.
  3. Awesome man. Congratulations! That is an awesome project.
  4. Politics is better left for other areas of the forum. I think the NCAA should have a degree geared towards athletes. One that prepares them for the reality of becoming a pro and dealing with a sudden influx of cash. How to invest, pick someone to manage your money, etc as well as other things that accept the reality that they are there to play a sport and build a curriculum around that.
  5. They will also need to make a music video if they want to be better than that Bears team
  6. Superstar...no. Star...maybe. Superstars don't need coaches to "figure out how to use them". There's no question if someone is a superstar.
  7. I doubt the fools at OBD have even thought about this
  8. Coaches saying that their players don't understand basic concepts is not exactly a feel good story.
  9. That the 49ers offense regressed to where it was ignores that they were up there to begin with...but selectively ignoring things is what Firechan does. It's his "thing". Don't knock him for it.
  10. No. Peters had a contract that was just re-negotiated. Glenn will be a Free Agent.
  11. Exactly. There's also plenty of other avenues to shut down the situation before it escalates to violence. It is a very rare exception where you are put in a position with no alternatives if you are not in a place that takes away those alternatives.
  12. Don't let facts get in the way of a good crusade. C'mon, are you new here?
  13. That's not really true. If you have so many people you are trying to evaluate that you're unable to properly assess the players then you can certainly have too much competition.
  14. Sir, he was only elevated to such great heights by being in the presence of the honorable Chester Reitengald IV, A true gentleman, scholar and American Football legend.
  15. The Bills Water, of course. It seems much wetter this offseason. Is there something they aren't telling us?
  16. I've heard Ryan Leaf is looking for a partner in some of his "business" endeavors.
  17. Man, Bill has really been sleeping on the job. How did he let a baseball team beat him to the punch?
  18. Yes, he is just running the business side. He likely still has input into the football side in some fashion as he is technically the President.
  19. San Francisco San Francisco Philadelphia San Francisco Dallas
  20. Guys that Chip Kelly doesn't want are not fans of Chip Kelly...how...astonishing. I don't think the guy will be successful, but the noise from players who he traded/cut/slept with their wives/etc is sorta silly.
  21. Wlecome to Murica. Home of the free...if you can pay enough for it.
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