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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I'm not so sure. The Captain goes down with the ship. Everybody else can get the fark out.
  2. I'm surprised. Never imagined he was a fan of anything except misery.
  3. I don't know, but I assume that we'll see a number of moves to bring costs down for the network.
  4. Recently, it came to light that ESPN is shedding viewers at a rapid pace. They have lost 7.2% of their viewership and are getting rid of salary. I thought it was 3 million, but that means about 7.1 million viewers and the prospect of regaining them doesn't look very good. ESPN's contracts with major cable companies has a provision that says if they make an online offering (like HBO Now) then their contract is terminated and the cable companies can offer ESPN ala carte (Cable providers want to dump ESPN because of the high price). A study shows that only 35% of people would keep ESPN if it wasn't forced on them. The money paid to ESPN works out to about $6.50 for every cable subscriber. In short, ESPN is poised to start losing a lot of revenue. Their contract prevents them from making an online option without losing their cable revenue and the cable companies want to dump the channel(s). They're getting rid of a lot of staff since the writing is on the wall.
  5. They also lost 3 million viewers...which will generally mean changes
  6. Could be more exact...how many minutes until training camp?
  7. There's not research I'm aware of that the Stadium contributes to it where a larger development plan does not. I'm in favor of stadiums and while I think the team/owner should bear most of the costs, I'm not against the public contributing. However, it's not an investment that has a positive financial return for taxpayers.
  8. When has that ever played out that a player of his caliber becomes a "devalued" commodity by sitting out?
  9. This thread should probably be getting closed now to stop more people from embarrassing themselves.
  10. No. Always. If you are a stranger to her and you send her five messages...she does not want to speak with you. Sending her more messages isn't going to change that. Also, she didn't respond. She didn't hit him back. Don't get me wrong, she comes as an idiot too.
  11. As much as I'd hate for the chaos of losing your offensive line coach, I don't think the Bills should be wishy washy on this.
  12. Newsflash, fellow fellows. If you send several messages to a girl you don't know and she doesn't respond, she's just not that into you.
  13. So if a player sits out and then comes back for however many games they need, can the team not play them or prevent them from "accruing" a season?
  14. He seemed to be doing better getting his head turned around
  15. The screenshot was over the line in my opinion. I think he could have just said, "I obtained a copy of medical records that indicate JPP had a finger amputated".
  16. This is how it all starts. They replace the man's finger with a bionic one...then he's better, stronger and faster and then Jade Helm comes along and the next thing you know is Arnold schwarzenegger is naked in an alley
  17. In many cases, local newspapers are just as bad, if not worse. "The Internet" has nothing to do with bad journalism from "professional" sources.
  18. If you support free trade then why do you support Trump? He has stated he would prevent car manufacturers from opening plants in Mexico Trump has said one of the early things he would do as President is impose punitive tariffs on Ford Motor company to force them drop a multi-billion dollar expansion plan in Mexico which Trump says will cause job losses in the US. This would be in direct violation of NAFTA aka "Free Trade". Trump, as shown above, has outsourced plenty as well which is hypocritical. I'd prefer the owner of the Bills not getting heavily, publically involved in Politics outside of things that directly impact the team. I'm very happy Pegula bought the team.
  19. 94% of all statistics on the internet are made up half of the time. I think if you're going to tell me that you're going to create jobs in America and that we're getting killed by Mexico on jobs then you should not have shipped jobs out of America to Mexico. I'd also recommend reading up on Trump's lobbying efforts.
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