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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I can confirm that this article is about Kiko Alonso
  2. I'm curious for anyone who has been at camp. How does Incognito look?
  3. I have not seen anyone predicting more than 0-16 for the Bills this season and that was before this whole Kromer nonsense and Shady's party. Considering the rest of the AFC East doesn't have any players getting arrested, resisting arrest or fighting the league over cheating or anything, doesn't look good for the Bills.
  4. So he writes something stupid. You give him attention for it. He did his job and you helped him. Why have people failed to grasp that he writes this garbage because everyone will rush to read it and get butthurt about it?
  5. So the patriots leak false information and pretend the NFL did it to try to discredit the NFL and then act all offended. Cheaters gonna cheat. They can't help it. I wasn't for invalidating their championships before, but it has to be considered now.
  6. "Sure, all the information was available before, but you gotta understand, I'm saying it again now and expecting different results so that is new."
  7. I am filled with glee. The longer they keep dragging this out, the longer "Cheater" get associated with the patriots and tommy. Seriously, all you find on search engines is nothing about any accomplishments for either one. You have to go deep to find something not about them cheating.
  8. Fred has made statement that indicate he doesn't think much of Marrone.
  9. You seem even more upset. Are you this upset because your old username got banned and you're already on probation again?
  10. It's called the Streisand Effect. If he had worked with the league and was upfront with them, he probably would have gotten a fine and 1-2 games. Everyone would have moved on. If he keeps dragging this on, all that happens is his name gets associated more and more with cheating. In five years, someone will google Tom brady and there will be more stories about him cheating than anything he accomplished in his career.
  11. He's basically intimated that. Some of his statements give the impression he would prefer to be as far away from those decisions as everyone wants him to be. I've never heard anything, but good things about his ability to run a business though.
  12. So what was it that made Timmah go from decent reporter to hating the Bills like they killed his family?
  13. TBD brain trust missed out again. That's why you do nothing, but draft QBs with all of your picks until you find one.
  14. Drafting the wrong QB that high does more than just waste the pick
  15. He's also spoken about problems caused in his marriage and his family by the schedule of coaching. He's said he's happy with where he is. I imagine if he wanted an NFL job even with "control" that he could find one.
  16. Hockey players are catching up. You've got one guy who beat his wife, the Richards drama, and hell, the Sabres new Star player drove into a Tim Hortons. I think the problem, OP, is that you watch ESPN.
  17. Urban Meyer has reportedly declined NFL coaching interviews.
  18. I have to assume he had his reasons to leap at the job. At the time, Cleveland was a crazier, more disorganized mess than it is now.
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