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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. You understand that your outrage is what keeps him employed. Seeking him out so you can be outraged is attention and that is his job.. to keep your attention and he does it very well. He knows this. You apparently don't.
  2. Never count out the Jets. They pulled it off last year.
  3. This a Bills forums. We don't like reason and facts here. Get out.
  4. It's a shame "Like a Farmer" isn't a weird al song about Josh Allen based off Madonna's like a virgin
  5. yea, but which player wouldn't he want to date his sister?
  6. Yea, my comments have nothing to do with that. Kudos to you for doing what you can to maintain your integrity. It means if it's a 'coach' then you need to press the coach to get him to agree to the most specific identifying information you can get them to agree to.. and be willing to not publish the information if the attribution can't get to a level that you're comfortable with and think provides value to the readers. So if it's a Bills coach: 1. Name of coach 2. A coach with the team 3. A member of the football operations of the team 4. Bills staff 5. A member of an NFL coaching staff 6. ..and so on Also, you should tell your editor he needs to hire someone to advise him on SEO and the use of dofollow and nofollow.
  7. One of the biggest problems in journalism is the lack of attribution. There's very little effort made to do the right thing and identify the source as much as possible. I interned at a large regional newspaper in my college days where I cam across something I liked to call the reporter circle jerk. Step 1: Team reporter A calls Team Reporter B who covers a different team Step 2: They talk back and forth and like with most people some stuff is coming from a source and other stuff is more 'gossip' so say something like, "Yea, everybody hates training camp" and the reason for that is the heat Step 3: Team Reporter A now writes a source close to the team (Hey guess what! To him Team Reporter B *IS* close to the team) says "Everyone on the team hates training camp" without the context and then takes something like Player A who was cut and signed elsewhere saying "I felt like I didn't get enough reps in camp last year" (btw, this is not an interview reporter A even did.. it's in another publication). Step 4: ..and now: "A source close to the team says players hate Team A's training camp. Players say they don't get enough work in to prepare for the season. "
  8. That wouldn't fit the narrative so please refrain from mentioning it.
  9. So can someone explain to me how the Patriots will end up getting a comp pick out of this?
  10. I've always found the best leaders are the people that are the biggest reason for the team's success. Allen is generally well liked by almost anyone who meets him. Players say they're coming to the Bills because "he's a dawg". He consistently leads by example in games. I'm amazed at the Einstein's in this thread who don't think that is leadership.
  11. There's probably a reason for that. If you see one person with information that is no where else.. ask them specifically how they got that that information. The job is not to report truth, but to get attention.
  12. I've worked with the same guys for 10+ years. Nobody ever leaves the company. We definitely have friction and need some space at times. Friction and needing space aren't some end of the world thing.
  13. Yea, well, McDermott will just lie about how concerned they are about Kincaid and the New World Pegula Order will hush it all up.
  14. He's TMZ. Turns out sports fans like TMZ more than the actual sports.
  15. People also jumped past he may be concerned about the whole situation because he wants Diggs to know he takes it seriously. That the reasons and problems that Diggs expressed concern him as well.
  16. Mods really should step in and give him a timeout. He's having a full blown breakdown.
  17. The jets canceled their entire mini-camp. Rodgers must be pissing everyone off.
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