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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. This...can't be real...can it? This is just too hilarious...
  2. Welcome to the forums. Please send many boxum red headed Irish girls. Thanks.
  3. Demaurice's grand plan...negotiate on money and sue on everything else. Demaurice is the worst thing to happen to Football in the last 20 years
  4. Holy hell. I just thought this was a stupid thread, but there's a reporter who wrote a story on this. Must be a proud moment for him as a journalist.
  5. If Aldon Smith needs me, I am there too.
  6. Jealousy Just Reassures Your Love. You Do Not Know Who You Are Or Why Your Here So When You See Someone Who Dose The Society Comes Together As A Whole And Destroys Them. There Is No Nutrients In Our Food Anymore Or In Our Soil OR IN OUR WATER. I Honestly Love When People Hate Even When There Close To You. I Will Always Give You The Truth I Will Never Lie To You In My music If You Cant Handle My Feelings And Emotions Please Unfollow Me
  7. Did someone drop a solar system on him?
  8. That seems like a major violation of Winston's personal space.
  9. I was reading a thing about Winston and how they're running a high completion % offense down there so everyone is watching and going "ZOMG SO GOOD". Speculated it may be a trend with the expectation on rookie QBs now to prevent a shark feeding frenzy on them.
  10. Wow, 3 teams from the AFC East making the playoffs. That is certainly a bold prediction and I think encapsulates the collective knowledge of football possessed by the USA today staff.
  11. Totally awesome idea. No idea how managed to conceive of this brilliant idea. Now that it has been thought of...it is sure to happen. HOLY BALLS! I Just thought of an time-traveling phone booth. So that is gonna happen too! What a time to be alive!
  12. No, it's being skewed that way by local media which is where the national media is going to get their info from
  13. Sometimes, I'm peeing in the urinal and I think..I wonder if I could do a cool trick like a backflip and still manage not to miss. I think better of trying and go on my way. I feel like this thread is equal to that idea.
  14. The unskilled always become fearful and angry when there is a new invention that threatens their ability to remain employed. Sports "reporters" are in full fear and rage mode doing everything they can to discredit "bloggers" and others believing that some miracle will save them instead of gaining new skills to adapt. I would pay for Astro's level of reporting at the news. I would pay for badlandsmeanie type of reporting as well. What the Buffalo news is putting out is the same level as the average or below average of this forum. I have no interest in paying for that. However, I think the Bears are going about this is the exact wrong way. You don't counter speech by shutting it down or censoring it. You counter it with more speech. I think NFL teams should more actively engage the other voices out there instead of "banning" reporting.
  15. You could work for ESPN...or Sports Illustrated..or any national media that covers the NFL!
  16. The question is...do they care..the Buffalo 'media' long ago left worrying about being factual, accurate or having integrity long behind them. They're more concerned about generating controversy to sell whatever it is that they sell at this point.
  17. That mat worked for the Patriots.
  18. Somehow, we all fail to see the genius in Chip's moves. I love the sports writers all hedging their bets though so they can be 'right' in the end.
  19. Remember when they had to make flash cards for him...and give him a wrist band with green/yellow/red on it so he'd know if he should try to throw deep or dump off on a play. As for Cassell, he's the last option. Unless he shows himself to be clearly a better option than Tyrod or EJ. From the accounts of camp that I have read, that is not the case.
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