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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. The Jets game has been highly entertaining. Mostly because they've looked awful. They have some good players, but it looks like they have less than zero depth and two "starters" got injured tonight.
  2. Jace Amaro now out with Shoulder injury. LB Henderson out..may be for more than a game.
  3. I may have missed it, but I didn't see Rex's pan pal, Jace Amaro, playing. Not sure if injured or sucks.
  4. Yeah, Revis played...longer than I'd expect. I'm not sure who got beat for the TD. Pryor has looked bad, real bad. Didn't seem to know what he was doing in their defense.
  5. Jets defense without Wilkerson and Richardson is meh. Shame the Wilkerson contract situation didn't go to a holdout.
  6. I see your quote and raise you: "Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."
  7. Reports say he was a good pass rusher who produced in a very limited number of snaps last season. He was someone being talked about by the Jets fans for having a good camp prior to yesterday. The story has changed to he wasn't going to make the team now, but that seems far fetched. Basically, he looked ok. Probably made the team as a depth player and could make the Bills in the same capacity.
  8. nothing would please me more than for him to come to the Bills and become a great player.
  9. We're number 1! We're number 1! We're number 1! Anyone want to grab a drink of twenty to celebrate?!
  10. I don't see in any way how Rex has anything to do with Geno getting punched in the face...you're stretching. I don't even like Rex, think he's a blowhard and find it ridiculous that he's even being associated with it.
  11. In the event of an impending takeover of the area by hostile forces bent on destroying Batman, what safety measures are in place to prevent the field from cracking into fissures? The whole smoking thing reminds of this guy we hired at work...comes in and just starts toking away on his electronic cigarette on his first day and our operations manager looks over and sees the smoke and is like "WTF is wrong with you".
  12. I'm sure he'll have a lot to say about the coffee. He seems to be an expert in that area and I will look forward to reading about it. I understand he writes about other things too.
  13. The producers regret that a great deal after today.
  14. No, he's saying your statement is wrong. That a poster who you claimed changed his tune because a player was on the Bills held a consistent opinion about him all along. Enjoy your hissy fit.
  15. I don't really follow UB, but how does the athletic director still have a job?
  16. I'd also like to take a moment and commend the guys covering the Bills. I mean, the jets beat guys have it easy...someone punches their starting QB out of the lineup. Here, they have to like actually watch 3 different QBs and figure out which one is better.
  17. Apparently, at one point during the press conference, someone played the music from Mike Tyson's Punchout. Good on you, NYC media.
  18. Regardless of whose fault it is and who provoked who, we should all take a step back and think about what just and what this means as us as a society. Many people throughout history have wanted to punch Geno Smith in the face and few have ever had the chance to do so. Today, in America, a black man with a name that shows his strong connection to his African roots, IK Enemkpali, stepped up and made his own opportunity and punched Geno Smith in the face. Today, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have witnessed the birth of a National Hero.
  19. I've gotta say, Rex is the BEST coach we have ever had. I can't imagine Marrone leaving a sleeper agent on his former team to strike. That combined with Rex's masterful manipulation of the League office, all he needs to do is get Tannehill out now and he'll guarantee 1st place in the AFCE. Tannehill must be watching his back real close.
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