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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I wasn't a Ritchie fan before the whole incident (which I believe he did things to be punished for, but they threw all the blame on him) in Miami, but I've always heard he was a 'likeable' guy and never heard anything bad from fans so I don't know if it's him working hard to shed the bully label or if he's just a 'likeable' guy unless you're Jonathan Martin.
  2. Radio is not a customer service industry. Their only mandate it to keep your attention.
  3. The problem is that "hate" for a station/program/personality is not "bad" for them. You're giving them attention which is their goal. If you really want to cause change, the reaction should be indifference.
  4. Currently, a rookie has a minimum of $435,000. If they have been in the league for 1 year then it is $510,000. It's pretty naive to think that money has no impact on incarceration or even arrests.
  5. Sounds like your boy needs some time with Ritchie and IK to get his head on straight.
  6. That should help manning a bit. Curious about the money.
  7. What stunning development! This new information on pre-season is going to change the world.
  8. If everyone in this thread never listened again then we might be on to something. However, like most, they'll go back like pigs at a trough for more of the unreasonable opinions that they can get up in arms about from wgr
  9. Well, I never heard of him before your post so you've actually done him a favor by posting this thread.
  10. Everyone who makes one of these threads should be moderated so they can not make new threads without an administrator approving it.
  11. or against the defenses of the AFC East
  12. The longer it goes, the more tarnished his legacy. You won't ever be able to do a web search for him without the scandal being attached to his name.
  13. pretty surprised tommy hasn't borrowed that football launcher from gronk so he can throw the non-deflated balls
  14. Levitre hasn't been any better than what the Bills put on the field since he left.
  15. I would be upset if they throw 50+ times. Why would you expose your QBs to that much risk? Even if everything went well, why would you put so much wear on their arm so early in the season?
  16. Why? He's a bigger tire fire than what the BIlls put out there last season.
  17. That sucks. What a blow for the Panthers when they're QB has panned out and looked like they could make some noise.
  18. Can you imagine the freakout if the Bills had signed him and this happened?
  19. I hate this notion that players can only be judges in a perfect setup. I think a player gets 1 "Well, if". So, "Well, if the line wasn't a sieve then he might have looked good". Once you get onto the second one I think it's stretching a bit too far. You've got to get it done regardless of everything else especially at QB.
  20. He's a troll. Put him on ignore and go on with your life.
  21. Looks like he can't even stand without that guy's hand on his back
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