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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I don't think there's much new to judge him on than there was a month or two ago. Let's see what happens during the season.
  2. or the interference of the local radio broadcast being on the frequency for the headsets for the Steelers, but not the Patriots. Just coincidence.
  3. At this point, they believe they can do whatever they want. I don't blame the patriots, I blame the other owners who didn't back up Goodell and make it clean to Kraft that it was no longer acceptable. This will be the downfall of the NFL because as Brady gets older and Kraft continues to lose his mind, they will go further. Eventually, the NFL will have to respond harshly and consider crazy things like vacating wins which will open Pandora's box.
  4. As I said when the Bills played them in preseason, the Steelers are depleted and adjusting to a new defensive system installed by a coordinator who's new to being in charge. They won't be the "Steelers" until mid-season.
  5. Actually, one of the advantages the Pegulas have brought to the Sabres and the Bills is the willingness to frontload contracts which allows the players to actually earn more money by investing that years earlier than otherwise. There are a number of teams that use "cash to cap" which prevent them from spending cash in that manner despite the cap hit being spread out. It also makes said contracts much more attractive in a trade because much of the cash has been paid out. In addition, it makes restructuring more enticing to a player because they received a lot of the cash from the existing deal and a new deal would give them more cash while helping the teams cap situation.
  6. Well, to be fair, I'm sure Byrd thinks he is only making part timer money.
  7. It goes further with many of them. I've long held that the worst thing that can happen to some people on this board is the Bills win the Superbowl.
  8. Does anyone know if I go to the game if I can play? Do they let spectators play in the 4th preseason game?
  9. We have no idea if any of that occurred. Since it is bad reporters giving the info. It could be "Paul the Janitor". A journalist will identify their source as closely as possible. So if it's someone from the front office, they will say "a source from the front office says". The people reporting all of this 'discord' are not journalists. There's a reason it's "sources". Who are they? Are they actually privy to knowledge? We don't know. You also get the reporter circle jerk where they will talk to another reporter who has a source and then say something like "A source close to situation". There's a lot of tricks used for "sources" by bad reporters. Let's keep in mind that all the debate came from a "source" that we don't know from a reporter who has an ax to grind with a very vague description of "rogue".
  10. It's amazing how it cleared right up when he hit Free Agency. Then after getting a bunch of guaranteed money...
  11. One has has played in every game the last two seasons. One has not.
  12. I don't see why the status of his knee matter unless we're going to have a larger debate on "Fate" and whether he destined to have tweaked his knee no matter what team he played for..
  13. It's like people just block out that 3 of the last 4 seasons that Fred was injured and did not play the whole season. You don't need to make up wild conspiracy theories to understand why the move was made. Yes, It sucks. It's silly to invent magical scenarios about a group of angels descending from heaven on the backs of Unicorns to proclaim Fred the greatest RB of all time and that the Bills got rid of him because that was an affront to McCoy's Honor.
  14. Is there a reason the mods are allowing 3748392 different threads on the same subject?
  15. How many topics are you going to make? This should just go in the existing threads
  16. where is he going after that because Lovie ain't signing him either. He got real old and real slow.
  17. I'm curious what people think Whaley could tell them that would make it "ok" for them? You want him to go through all the issues with Fred? You want them to dissect the guy? That doesn't make any sense. I mean, unless, you just want them to say something so you can pick it apart. We all know the issues with Fred and most of us would love to have him on the team because of his work hard attitude. There's no point talking about how he's slowed down and the injury concerns. Let's just celebrate his career here and move on.
  18. Why is this a thread that isn't closed yet? Can I post a thread about how the illumati are behind the decision to start tyrod and keep the bills out of the playoffs for 15 years?
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