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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. It was not the same thing. Their guy was blocked into him. As for the chop block, it was a terrible call. It is only a penalty if the player is engaged with another player. He clearly in no way was engaged with another player when Clay blocked him.
  2. Yes, see how forcing the ball to TY Hilton worked out for the Colts? It's "obvious" the Bills should have done that.
  3. They may have had no intention of cutting him, but he got hurt...again...in pre-season. At best, you're looking at fred being in a limited role for a few games in the season.
  4. The only penalty I really felt was completely out of line was the chop block. No excuse for that to be called. Otherwise, they were throwing flags left and right for both teams.
  5. lol, TB fans must be losing their minds
  6. no wonder these guys couldn't tell the balls were deflated
  7. Can someone explain to me what I am seeing? Points before the half and points after the half? This confuses me.
  8. I've got to say, I'm impressed by Taylor. Very calm. I also like that when he runs, he doesn't seem to get plastered liked EJ would when he'd run with it.
  9. Wow. Have not seen that in a long time. Long and Accurate!
  10. I think some folks here need to remember this is Taylor's first start.
  11. That flag was horribad. I don't normally kvetch about them, but there was no way to mis-interpret that.
  12. For the lazy.. https://twitter.com/KimPegula
  13. Thank you for this stunning insight, OP. I shall return the favor: Water is Wet. While I think Taylor will be mediocre at best...there were an awful lot of Ravens congratulating him on winning the starting job.
  14. Philadelphia, after all those changes, ends up with the exact same record. Dallas misses the playoffs. After the whole thing with Caitlyn Jenner can we be respectful of the transgender community. He wants to be called "Tina Brady" now.
  15. Wow, Pete must think he's reaaaaal clever. Seriously though...who cares?
  16. because most teams believe you will be punished if you cheat. Give the pats******* credit, they realized there are limits the NFL can punish you even if you brazenly cheat and they have proof. They will "protect" the shield because in the end extreme punishments would open pandora's box. Say you vacated victories...now no one would really know who "won" when the game ended.
  17. I agree with one of his answer. Otherwise, it's either whining or "less talented players are more interesting because it is like a box of chocolates and you never know what you're gonna get"
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