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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. I'm pretty sure this was by design. Luck is one of the best when it comes to dealing with blitzes, but the Bills seemed to look at getting pressure up the middle. Pretty much all of their blitzes were up the middle. Also, look at Mario and Hughes. They did not have very many plays where they went "inside". They were keeping contain while the Bills brought pressure from inside. I don't think the defensive scheme called for "hitting" Luck, but getting in front of him so he couldn't step up and containing so he couldn't move around.
  2. Use one of the other options provided to you. I am pretty sure the Bills are the ones who made other gates that move much faster. Do you want them to have someone who goes through the line and literally tells the dimwits to go to another gate? Would a sign suffice? How about someone on a loud speaker? Should they put the safety helmet on you at your house and personally take you to your seat? They can only lead you to the water, they can't make you drink.
  3. I am very interested in seeing if their play matches.
  4. Falcons continue to not be very good. Eagles are now, also, not very good.
  5. Well, shiz, I didn't know prune juice was involved. GET THE PITCHFORKS!
  6. That is the solution. Use one of the other options provided to you. I am pretty sure the Bills are the ones who made other gates that move much faster. Do you want them to have someone who goes through the line and literally tells the dimwits to go to another gate? Would a sign suffice? How about someone on a loud speaker? Should they put the safety helmet on you at your house and personally take you to your seat? They can only lead you to the water, they can't make you drink.
  7. to be fair, I think it's a minority of fans who heralded him that much...a lot of it was the same crowd that hates every move made the bills and that it will be a disaster.
  8. i He said the last game he played..which was not the Superbowl..
  9. Don't worry, I have been assured that Chip is genius. Everyone just calm down. At least kiko kept this from being 27-3
  10. Exactly, this board would be filled with unreadable kvetching just like most teams when they lose. I was able to listen to the postgame for a few minutes before I had to turn it off due to incompetent hosts, but the callers would be terrible.
  11. Percy Harvin didn't play in the Superbowl. He played for the Jets. They didn't make the playoffs.
  12. Here's the thing, people have pointed out to you how to avoid the problem. I don't understand this whole, "I have a problem and will only accept the solution I deem fit." Take the solutions offered to you and don't have the problem anymore unless the problem is that you don't have enough things to complain about..
  13. Does it really matter what their fans do? Could you imagine this board if it went the other way.
  14. He's pointing out that it takes a cheater to know a cheater
  15. I'm not sure why people think it's a good idea to get into a shootout with Andrew Luck...
  16. I love Kiko, but man...McCoy made some moves today just to get back to the LOS at times. In years past, our RBs would not have managed those couple yards that are really big, unheralded things.
  17. Why go to all that trouble...just direct snap it to Kiko and let him run for a TD every drive.
  18. Maybe they should have someone on a loud speaker helping people out "If you're too stupid to go to another gate after you see this one is jammed...there is another gate...right over there...not jammed..like 5 minutes to get in."
  19. Oh, no...the Bills don't make enough money. This is terrible for me personally and I care a great deal about their net operating income. Those teams ability to move likely adds value. The move to LA would likely raise the value of the franchise considerably...until football in LA fails...again
  20. TD...INT...same thing. Alonzo will eat a baby all the same.
  21. I have to agree with him that you should have moderated the thread...and saved the rest of us from starting to read it.
  22. Who was the "lure" blocked on that play? It wasn't the tackle..
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