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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. You really love to link together unrelated things to try to back up some silly theory you have...Denver is 5-0 with Peyton manning and what may be the best defense playing right now. Mathis has little to do with that and has not looked good.
  2. So you're not actually interested in a discussion? Then what is it? Validation? Attention? Also, throwing around the word pathetic has no impact on the validity of a point of view.
  3. when your top two offensive talents are out...your offense is going to take a big hit.
  4. I think the problem lies in the Offense not the defensive line not getting to the QB in less than 1.5 seconds.
  5. It would likely expand the market for the Bills much like it does for the Sabres. You'd have a lot more people from Toronto coming down to Bills home games. Sabres also have a lot of fans in Southern Ontario with the behemoth of the Leafs franchise in Toronto.
  6. Has Donte ever met a moment that he felt didn't need to be filled with his voice?
  7. before ten years ago...You answered your own question. Why am I here?
  8. This used to be the way it was done as many QBs are not ready for the NFL. There was a string of a few special talents entering the league and doing very well so now the 1st round QB starts right away and you roll the dice hoping he gets it.
  9. I think he's a proud graduate of the Cleveland Browns School of Football Management which includes other notable graduates, Dan Snyder and Stephen Ross.
  10. I'd take BB over TB 11 days of the week. You can argue chicken or the egg, but TB would not have the career he has had or learned how to push past what it allowed by the rules without BB. TB didn't win them games early on, their defense did which allowed TB to blossom.
  11. There's a certain segment of this board that melts down if Whaley doesn't have a specific number of bowel movements in a day.
  12. Was I drunk or did McCoy not just score a touchdown on Sunday?
  13. I don't understand your comment. I didn't *want* him to stay. If he did, okay. The defense was too leaky against the run. His decision was bad for himself, not the Bills.
  14. I'd be shocked if the Eagles cut bait with Kelly. I think he gets at least another year "in charge" even if this season is a disaster.
  15. I think CJ is a great change of pace back, but he is a change of pace back. He's never been the primary runner for a full season. There's nothing wrong with that, but I'd have to disagree that he could be the primary back and have success beyond a few games at most.
  16. Why do you feel bad for him? He knew exactly what he was getting into there and the issues with the front office. He was the 5th or 6th choice after the rest turned them down. He was so desperate to be a head coach he made bad decision all on his own. Feel bad for their fans. They don't deserve it.
  17. McCoy has a history of success. CJ does not. Seems like that is not hard to figure out why...and I think CJ is a talented player.
  18. Philbin. I don't think people realize just how embarrassing Sunday was for Ross. If they lose to the Jets, I think he's gone.
  19. Incognito is playing better than his first time with the team. He's also playing a lot cleaner as well. The Bills seem to be doing well with players who have "Off the field" issues.
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