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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. It would be nice to get off this seesaw ride of the defense or offense being awful.
  2. The Indianapolis Colts. Outside of a lucking into Manning...what exactly about that team inspired confidence?
  3. Badol only speaks when it's convenient to his narrative. It looks bad, because it is bad.
  4. I have no idea how people think EJ would have been better than Taylor
  5. So is there a legit source for this or is just some guy on twitter?
  6. I've never known anyone to get actual bereavement time for an in-law. Take your normal Paid Time Off...sure.
  7. No, because no one gets bereavement time for an in-law.
  8. It's called the reporter circle jerk. Step 1. Ask a local reporter something Step 2. Report that a Source "close to the team" (because hey, a beat writer is "close to the team") says something, but make something sound much more dire Step 3. Go home, pleasure a goat, complain about internet
  9. He wanted to be a head coach too badly. That was a bad situation and he was never going to succeed which is why the 476 people offered the job before him turned it down. I thought it was silly of him at the time because he could have remained as the Bills DC and if he had another good year, he would have been a higher tier candidate.
  10. Brother-in-law...no. He would not be justified for missing a game.
  11. Is this seriously a topic? Bills won so people have to twist themselves into knots?
  12. I used to love Vic, but since he's been back at the News he certainly doesn't seem to produce the same quality he did years ago.
  13. Incorrect. There are none. Hockey > All. This Opinion Correction Service is provided free of charge by a group of volunteers dedicated to ensuring that correct opinions are posted on message boards.
  14. Do you remember the game Geno had against the Bills?
  15. "Whaley's Ego" is responsible for my chronic back pain.
  16. So you want them to lose free agents on purpose to get compensatory picks?
  17. Yes, I skip his articles. Perhaps he has improved, but he rarely has any actual analysis. There's a difference between being negative and being critical. What he writes, I can see on this message board.
  18. Which specific transactions this offseason do you feel would have been better to forego in favor of a compensatory pick?
  19. The grass is always greener no matter how many times you jump over the fence.
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