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Everything posted by Malazan

  1. Remember when everyone thought Pettine leaving was terrible?
  2. Regardless of what happens with the lawsuit. I hope we don't ever have to see the Jills again.
  3. to the "Bills Truthers" this is proof...just like how Obama is a muslim born in Africa and the moon landing was faked on a stage in Los Angeles.
  4. I think there's a problem when teams hire a head coach to "fix" someone even if it is the QB. He's the head coach. He's going to have a lot on his plate and it's not the same dynamic as being the offensive coordinator. It's a lot more important, imo, if the guy is the right guy t be a head coach and then who he brings in as coordinator
  5. I think he may be safe just because of the lack of candidates. Only way I see it happening is if they promote Jackson.
  6. Wow. Bengals are regular season tigers, post season idiots.
  7. One of the few times that Rex is a clear winner
  8. Did you even read your link? The Hockey News has them 7th in the division which is not anywhere near a playoff spot. Hockeywriters has them 12th in the east...also...not a playoff spot.
  9. Can you stop with your trope? We're all pretty tired of you purposely misunderstanding.
  10. What? No one thought this anywhere. Predictions had them at best, had them maybe getting into the 3-4 teams that are out of the playoffs, but not the bottom of the pack.
  11. I don't think it's as terrible as it sounds initially. Since he took over partway through, you get some continuity into next season and can dump him at the end without looking like you're cleveland. Looking at the field of candidates, there's not anyone out there that I'm like, "Man, I want him as coach".
  12. Guys says stupid thing. Fanbase rushes to correct him. Instant popularity.
  13. You don't understand. The Bills Truthers and their very own Donald Trump, Sully...are the only ones who see the truth.
  14. Where was the inside look? All he said is they played a lot of zone.
  15. That is what you expect from a game manager. However, the defense wasn't the defense for a game manager at QB
  16. A chance to get a real football guy and the Browns want to hire their lawyer....that's a Browns move if there ever was one.
  17. No, I had noooo idea. Good thing we have the Bills Truthers to tell us.
  18. Should probably read the thread. It's one guy doing the shouting. We have our own set of posters who make similar threads.
  19. It's called the reporter circle jerk. They call a local reporter like say, oh, Bucky. Bucky says he's heard from a "source" that there's trouble brewing. Now Lanconfra can claim a source "Close to the team" or with "Knowledge of the team" has made this claim. Any person is a "solid". Bad reporters will often play word games with sources. Sully has not shown to have a source before so it would have to be a new source. Color me skeptical.
  20. It amazes me that reporters wonder why print papers are having so much trouble in the digital age when they have to compete and aren't simply handed the only megaphone in town. The Buffalo News seems to be hard hit by a dearth of talent from holdovers in their sports department.
  21. Keeping a coach and firing the GM doesn't work in general. I like Pettine, but his resume is pretty light to force a new GM to keep him as well.
  22. I'd let him go. If he signs any contract...anywhere...I imagine it will be incentive laden.
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